Welcome Surfers of the Net. You have finally reached the center, the focus, the only true jumpstop of . . . not much.
The most interesting thing I got here is a program I wrote, a web-authoring utility. The program, Color Slider, will ease the process of choosing your colors for your website. For more information click here.
I've also got a site dedicated to an old AD&D character of mine, Orko.
If you're a Role-Playing Gamer or still remember the old cartoon series: "He-Man and the Masters of the Universe" this'll interest you.
My latest addition, here is my site dedicated to my girlfriend, Michal. It is all in Hebrew but you can still admire her looks. :)

To control the background music right click the note icon under the animated working gif.

Amazing Links:

AJ's Great Themes for Windows 95
The greatest site for Windows 95 themes.
Beginners Basic Homepage
For all you people wanting to take up programming.
Calvin's and Hobbes official homepage
The greatest cartoon pair!!
The Ultimate Kubrick site
A site dedicated to one of the most intriguing filmmakers of our times.
Amateur Fantasy Art
An amazing assortment of fantasy art.
Phobia List
This site has a listing of hundreds of phobias. Very interesting.
The Hole Story about the Ozone Layer
This is a very interesting site that would surprise most people with it's straight truth.
Professional Web Design
This site is the best place to get all the resources/tutorials you'll need to author a web site.
This is an excellent resource for Delphi components, links, and tips. It's also very nice-looking.

© 1996 Idan Avisar

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