Hi all, welcome to my Main Page. I hope you enjoy all that i have to offer.

The Trouble with Affection is an essay me and two of my friends wrote for english. Here is a nother essay that we have writen called The Legalization of Abused Substances I hope you like it as much ae the first (Well that is if you liked the first =OD .).


Here it is what you have all been waiting for the StarCraft cheats.

Mortal Kombat!!!

I hope you like Mortal Kombat as much as I do. Here are some of the most need things for the game. This is a list of how to do all the moves including Goro's, Kintaro's, Motaro's, Shao Kahn, and Shang Tsung including all of his morphs. Here is a list of some of the cheats that you will find use full.

Tomb Raider!!!

Another game that I have come to love is Tomb Raider. It stars Lara Croft (as if you need to be told). Here are the cheats that i know of so far.


If you liked MYST you will love this one. It has great scenery and graphics with only one problem the ever changing of CD's. However the roller coasters and magnificent scenes. This game is also very hard so i have made it easier on you and have add a Riven mainpagewith tips and strategy to help you throught it.

Imperium Galactica!!!

This game is also a fun one but even better with the cheats to the game.

Master of Orion II!!!

This is one of my favorite games with an excellent replay value. here are a few cheats for the game as well.

Need for Speed II!!!

Need for Speed ia another one of my favorite race car games but like all games it is even better with the these great cheats.


I am not really in to first person games but this one I do like and for all you that dont know the cheats yet there they are.

Mechwarrior II!!!

This is a great board game that was been turned in to a good PC game worthy of the name Mechwarrior II. Like all thing I have cheats for this one as well.

These are not all the cheats, strategys, or coods that i have to offer. Here is a list of all of my cheat pages.

These are some of my favorite games on the PC but dont just listen to me try them out for your self. Here you can download the demos to Tomb Raider Demo, Tomb Raider 2 Demo, MIB demo, Magic The Gathering Demo, Betrayal in Antara Demo, Redneck Rampage Demo, Beavis & Butthead in Virtual Stupidity Demo, and Command & Conquer Demo. These demos are provided by PCGamer, and Westwood. You can find these and many more there.

Noncomputer Games!!!

The N64 introduced a great motorcycle racing game called Extreme-G one of my favorite games for the N64. I hope you enjoy the Neon.

The Sony Play Station has made a very cool game called Final Fantasy VII which is soon to come to the conputer but till then the PS has been selling more and more just so people can play the game. here is a great walk through which will help you durring you game play.

This page is dedicated to all the many great things that we have to look forward to.

South Park

My Friends and other Kewl Pages

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This is Page is still under construction!!!

Please E-mail me with any suggestions on what will make it even better, with an update for one of the games, or for any game that you would like me to add.

© 1997 iwjev@aol.com
Make sure you put something in the topic so that I know you are asking about the page. I get so much junk e-mail now a days it is hard to tell what is what.

© 1997 imzadi@geocities.com, but i do not check this one very often (if ever).

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