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Famine's Film Review

I'm in the process of updating my movie page so please bare with me for the time. Alot of you may look at some of the movies I review and say "Gee, I've never heard of that one." That is part of the idea of this page. Many of these movies only have a limited number of prints, and so it may be awhile before it reaches your area. Some of these movies also have little or no advertising budget, so I'm helping out those that are worthy. Other movies you have heard of. If there is a particular movie you'd like reviewed, just email me. I'll also provide a Link to the movies home page, if it has one, so you can check it out too. I just added a Now On Video section. For thoose of you who would like to know where I work (when I'm not in class), here is a link to The Palm.

Being John Malkovich

The Dinner Game

Genghis Blues

STAR WARS: The Phantom Menace

Looking for somthing a little bit different for a night in? Check out the Now on Video section. Although I have been to busy to keep up with writing new reviews. I have continued to move reviews here once the film goes to video.

© 1996 Famine's Film Review

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