
UNDER CONSTRUCTION This site is under major construction and will be finished soon.

Welcome to the site dedicated to the coolest super-hero team ever created. When it's finished, this page will contain all sorts of facts about the x-men. I'm working on a bio page for all the X-men but until it's done, the meet the X-men section below will have to be good enough. :) Also, if you would like me to put up a link to your site, put up a link to here and email to tell me your URL and site name.

Thank you for being x-fan numbersince October 1st.

Meet the X-men

Haunted by the sins of his past, one time thief Remy LeBeau seeks atonement by risking all as a member of the x-men. With the ability to charge any object with kinetic energy that is explosively released,Gambit seeks to forge a new life--and to prevent his friends from discovering his shameful secrets.
Once, he was known as Magneto--the greatest enemy of the x-men,feared by all humanity.Now amnesiac, he has no memory of his past-- and so has dedicated his second chance in life to helping those he spent years trying to destroy. His greatest fear-- a fear shared by the friends who call him Joseph-- is what will happen if the day comes when he recalls everything he's forgotten.
One of the five original pupils of Charles Xavier, Hank McCoy is not only posessed of super-human agility, strength,speed and endurance-- he is also a one-time Avenger and a world renowned bio-chemist! As an x-man
he uses both his physical gifts and his scientific genius to create a better world for man and mutant.
The young woman named Rogue joined the X-men in a last-ditch attempt to learn how to control the genetic attribute that are both her blessing and her curse-- namely, the ability to absorbthe memories and powers of others through the slightest touch! Tragically, she has yet to master this talent-- and so is compelled to keep even those she cares for at an arms length.
Refugee from nearly a century in the future, the man known only as Bishop finds himself among those men and women who were the legends of his youth-- the X-men! Forever seperated from his friends and family. Bishop uses his ability to absorb and rechannel energy to fight for a brighter tomorrow-- and searches his place in a world totally alien to him.

What's going on with the X-men?

Aug. 15, 1997

After a huge ship destroyed the stargate, Beast, Gambit, Rogue, Joseph, and Trish Tilby found themselves on what they thought to be an alien planet. Gambit was captured by a giant green monster named Grovel and a seemingly young girl named Spat. They were friends of Gambit when he did the things that he is now trying to keep a secret. They say that they are bounty hunter's and that there's a price on his head. Suddenly the alien terrain disappears and Gambit correctly guesses that it was a hologragh made by a mutant called Landscape. Meanwhile, a number of things are going on elsewhere. Maggot makes a short appearance while Marrow is shown talking to a wounded Callisto. Beast and Trish Tilby end up in the ruins of their damaged ship trying to figure out what's going on. Elsewhere, Rogue wakes up to find herself asleep with Joseph. She tries to fly off and crashes into a force field. Joseph sends off an eletro-magnetic field to "read" the planet's signature. His wave of energy hits Landscape, causing him to lose his concentration and therfore, to change the terrain back to normal. Gambit, Spat and Grovel meet up with Rogue, Joseph, and Landscape. Gambit escapes and just as things are being cleared up between them, a robot called Nanny iterrupts them.Well, that's all for now.See ya next issue. Sincerely, Kieran Harding

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Alexander Harding.

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