Welcome to the fantastically new unofficial GenX page. This page is just loaded with lots of info, pics, and some good clean fun. So wash off before you come in here, dag nabbit! Uh, nevermind. Look around, enjoy the show, tell all your friends. Go nuts.

So, Sid, why did you decide to use your amazing HTML talents on making a page for the mutant team Generation X? Well, because they're the most interesting x-team out there right now, in my humble opinion. The book has great writing (thanks to Scott Lobdell), fabulous art (super thanks to Chris Bachalo), and it's overall f-u-n, fun! With mysterious characters such as M and Penance, groovy chicks like Jubilee, and even a lil romance between the unfortunate, yet extremely powerful, Chamber and Cannonball's younger sister, Husk, it all combines to make an ideal book for many mutant fans out there.


Who is Generation X? Check out the GenX Info section and find out. This is the best part of the site, in my opinion, mostly because it took so much time to do it all, so you better check it out!

The GenX Loveboat!

The Generation X Files


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The Generation X Page of the Month!

You are GenX fan number since April 28, 1997. Feel special! Tell your friends!
Last Updated August 7, 1997 sid_x@hotmail.com


Hey! Lookee here! The GenX Page was chosen to be the X-Page of the Week for the week of May 28, 1997!! Thanks, Marty!

Cool Comics

Woowee!! I got my second award! This one comes from the Cool Comics Page!

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Special thanks goes out to Maverick for supplying more scans than you can shake a rabid Toad at, Steven Zaharakis for allowing me to steal some images from his GenX site, Penance for agreeing to image swap with yours truly, Mirage for a few select images, Tigrr for scanning a couple covers for moi, and anyone else that has contributed to GenX in any way, shape, or form, especially Chris Bachalo and Scott Lobdell from Marvel for creating such a fabulous comic book. Thanks, guys!

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