Welcome To Thassa Shores a Gorean Trading Port

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Thassa shores is located on the IRC, at irc.austnet.org.
We are part of a growing Gorean Community based on the books of John Norman.

We welcome Goreans and non-Goreans alike to our little corner of the IRC and ask only that all show courtesy and honor to the others who visit from time to time.

While this is the IRC and Gor is strictly a fantasy place from a series of books, there are those of us who enjoy the fantasy and some who live it as much as possible as a way of life.

There is no pornographic material on this site but it is of mature content so please go no further if you are under the age of 18.

You are vistor #

CounterSince June 19, 1997

Thass Shores is located south of Ar's Station, it is close to the caravan routes and as many of the ships of Gor bring fine things to trade and sell.

You will find a map of

Thassa Shores Map

here to help guide you around while you visit us.

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Some of the People you might encounter in Thassa Shores

Captain TurkMond

Co-Owner and Merchant of the Port of Thassa Shores


Free Woman and beloved proctected sister from #KRB_Gardens of Gor

slave rules for Thassa Shores

Beverages and some foods of Gor

Some of the slaves you might find at the Shores


Master TurkMonds red silk slave and first girl of Thassa Shores

Links To Favorite Pages

Below you will find some of our links with more to come as we build our port of call

KoRoBa GardensGorean Pleasure garden

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