
Last Updated: January 5, 2001
I have converted to MP3's for much more space.
Predator Theme Midi!
- Predator seals its wound and roars into the jungle.
- The Predator kicks a fallen branch to reveal ... that Dutch has escaped.
- The Predator growls in rebuttle, "What the hell are you?"
- "Anytime ..." The Predator whispers to his prey.
- The Predator fires his shoulder cannon and it hits its target.
- Predator is hit and roars!
- The Predator growls.
- The Predators 'Eyes' focus on his target.
- That distictive Predator clicking growl.
- Predator growls its surprise at discovering the trap.
- Predator grins over Dutch, preparing for the final cut.
- Predator begins to laugh at Dutch and Death
- Predator laughs until it blows up.(At least it has a sense of humour ...)
- Longer Predator clicking growl.
- "This is getting better by 'da minute."
- Dutch hits the Predator with a branch, "Bad idea ..."
- "Stick around."
- "If it bleeds, we can kill it."
- "You're one ugly M----- F----."
- "What the hell are you?"
- "Mac. Mac!"
- Dutch invites the Predator with his battle cry.
- "What's the matter? CIA got you pushing too many pencils?"
- "You'll lose a tear, you're in a world of hurt."
- "Pay back time."
- "See there, past them trees. I see you."
- "You give up our position one more time, I'll bleed you, real quiet, and leave you here. Got that?"
- "Here we are again bro, just you and me. Same kind'a moon, same kind'a jungle. The number 10 night, remember? Whole platoon, 32 men, cut into meat and we walk out, just you and me nobody else. Right on top of 'em. Not a scratch, not a ----- scratch. You know bro I got you. He'll come back again and when he does, I'll cut your name right into him. I'm gonna cut your name right into him."
- "Sargent!" The rest is the team blowing up the jungle.
- "I'm gonna have me some fun...I'm gonna have me some fun...I'm gonna have me some fun...I'm gonna have me some fun..."
- Blain:"Bunch'a slack jawed F--- around here! This stuff will make you a G-- d--- sexual tyranosaurus, just like me."
Poncho:"Yeah? Strap this on your sore a-- Blain!"
- Billy: "I'm scared Poncho."
Poncho: "Bull----, you in't afraid of no man." Billy: "There's something out there waiting for us, and it in't no man."
- Poncho: "You're hit, you're bleeding man."
Blain: "I in't got time to bleed."
- Dutch breaks branch and log falls on Predator's head
- Mac: "Over here."
Predator: "Over here, over here, over here."
- Billy: "Major. You'd better take a look at this."
- Predator imitates Jerry's ranting.
- Predator: "Want some candy?"
- Predator rebuttles, "S--- happens."
- Predator roars his victory on the hotel.
- Predator pounds on the subway car.
- Predator growls the begining of the subway hunt.
- The Predator roars in pain as it seals it's wound in the bathroom.
- Predator's death scream.
- The Predator Leader tells his pack to spare Harrigan.
- Predator voices his excitment at Harrigan's kills.
- The Predator startles Danny with, "Danny Boy ..."
- "Co-operation, is my middle name."
- "OK P---- face, it's your move."
- "Hey kid, welcome to the war."
- "You're one, ugly mother ..." (gasp)
Predator: "Mother -----"
- The Predator stalks the police
Harrigan: "Hey, Danny. No hero stuff, understand?" Predator: "Dan .. Danny .. Boy ..."
King Wille:
- King Willie: "There's no stopping what can't be stopped, no killing what can't be killed."
Harrigan: "Hey! Make sense man." King Willie: "This thing, that's killing your people and mine, is from the other side."
- King Wille: "You can't see the eyes of the demon, until him come callin'."
- "Get outta here Harrigan, I wanna save your ---. This is between me and him!"
- "You're the lion, this is his jungle."
- "Lions, the tigers, the bears. Oh my!"
Jamacian Hit-Man:
- "This is not 'bout money, this is 'bout power."
- "There's a new King in the streets, and he has a message for your people,'You're History, f---ing history' G-- D--- fool dog.'"
- "King Wille says not only do I have to kill you, but I have to take your soul."
- "Voodoo Magic! F---- Voodoo Magic man! Ha ha ha ..."
- "You know what? I'll tell you what I believe, S--- happens."
- "Hey! Over here! Yeah, thats right, come and get it!" (bang, bang bang)
- Jerry: "C'mon M---F---..."
Predator: "Want some candy?" Jerry: "Let's dance!" (death scream)
- Harrigan: "Doctor, I pryed this from Danny's hands. This is what took him up into the rafters."
Doctor: "It has almost no weight!" Harrigan: "But it cuts like steel."
- Doctor: "Astonishing! This material doesn't corespond with anything on the periodic table!"
- "It's alright, I'm a cop ... " "I don't think he gives ..."
- "El' Scorpio is reeeaadyyy!" To be whacked!
- Columbian: "What the f--- are you doin' now man? You crazy!"
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This page was designed and created by © Jen Gardner 1997, 1998
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