Under construction Mech Warriors!

	Here lies the Tomb of Cerberus!  Throughout its existance, it has had many
faces and names.  Cerberus is a two headed, fire breathing, Mech Warrior eating Kell Hound 
which guards the very gates of Hades its self.  Within these gates is said to lie the
souls of all previous Kahns not of the Hounds.  These souls were killed and captured by 
the Mercenaries known only as.....

The Gates of Hell!!!

Those who see us quake in their boots with the knowledge that Hell is on their heels!!!
	This page belongs to the 2nd regiment House Kell Hounds.  Our Retired commander
is Ltc. Cerberus.  If you feel the need for some working over, let me know!

I also have several links to other Kell hound pages and some Misc. NetMech related stuff.
I have listed some of the Kali IP addresses if you wish to know some of the servers we play on.
Here are some common abbreviations or group affiliated symbols.

Well thats all I have of those for now, again, if you have any corrections, let me know.

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Special Thanks for assisting me in building this page goes to: Tim Kalishek