Welcome to my Writing Page

I write in my mostly non-existent free time, and have several projects in process.

One is a science fiction novel, called Hardwired. It concerns piloting a craft at near-light speeds, and the problems which ensue. The pilot has to be hardwired ? with cybernetic implants which patch his senses into the sensors of the ship. The scientists find that this human-brain ability to quickly take in lots of data and make snap decisions is superior to the computer which has a difficult time with finding the one right path through stars, planets, comets and asteroids at near-light speed.

What started as a short story developed some characters to which I became attached. I am working on at least four more stories with this family, and may work it up into a book on its own. The original story was Daddy, the Aromatherapy Candles and the Y2K. The second in this series is called Summer Work. The latest is The Dog Knows Why

I experimented with a genre called microfiction -- since the final product had almost 1000 words, I am not sure that it qualifies.
It's a sentimental little story called
The Button Jar.

I have linked to the last three of these stories, but am still working on Hardwired. I will link to it when I am more satisfied with its development.

If you take the time to read these stories, feel free to drop me a line with criticism or comments.