Romulan ships
Our D-Deridex class Warbird is one of our best ships that has ever been build. This Warbird is twice as big as a Galaxy Class ship like the Enterprise D (The NCC -1701 D) . Look at the image above and you will see. The Federation claims that a Galaxy Class ship is evenly matched with a Warbird. I disagree the Warbird has much more firepower than a Galaxy Class ship. We can beat those Federation ships easily.
The Warbirds have a crew complement of
over 600 brave men and woman wich is the half the crew of the
Enterprise. The Warbird's warp engines are powered by quantum singularity reactor
(not an
Matter/Antimatter Reactor like most Federation vessels). The new
Federation addition the Enterprise-E (NCC-1701-E) still can't
beat a Warbird. So you see our Warbird is still the most
powerfull ship in this Galaxy. (Borg ships are also very
powerfull, but i say not as powerfull as an Warbird). There are
also D'kazanak B-class warbirds and D'kazanak C - class warbirds
but they are smaller compairing with an D'deridex A class
warbird, but those vessels still outclass the Federation Galaxy
class vessels.
Technical Data
Our attack cruiser is Klingon in design we modified this ship to meet our standards. Despite it's Klingon origine it was the basis of our great fleet nowaday's. We traded our cloaking techinque for this design. The D7 Attack cruiser was one of our first vessels called warbirds. This vessel was slightly bigger than the Enterprise A (Constitution class) and has a big disruptor cannon. The Klingons still use this type of cruiser.
Technical Data D7 Attack Cruiser:
The Bird of prey is an old ship and used as an attack vessel during the the first wars with the Federation. Nevertheless after 87 years of service the Bird of Prey became on of the most versatile ships of the Romulan Empire, serving as a gunship, science vessel, transport, and reconnaissance vessel. The Bird of Prey has also an Cloaking Device. Don't make the mistake with an Klingon Bird of Prey. The Bird of Prey is much smaller than a Warbird but matches the Excelsior class ships of the Federation.
Klingon Bird of Prey.
Technical Data Bird of Prey:
Our scoutship is a small warp capable ship. It can be used to explore planet surfaces and many other things which you can only use a small vessel. The scout ship is the Romulan equivalent of an Federation Danube-class Runabout but is more powerfull. The scout ship can attain a maximum speed of warp 7.5 for 2 days, making it an ideal reconnaissance vessel due to its range, size and speed. The scout ship is armed with 2 disruptor arrays, but can be refitted to carry a plasma torpedo launcher.
Technical Data Scoutship:
Advanced Bird-of-Prey
This successor to the timeless
Bird-of-Prey will prove to be as much an asset to the Romulan
Warfleet as was the original. Unfortunately, only small details
are known about this warship. There is rumor that the Advanced
Bird-of-Prey will be powered by an enhanced Quantum Singularity Drive that will allow it to travel at warp 9.98 for
twelve hours. Also rumored is the use of a phase-cloaking device.
The Romulan Star Empire's
answer to the Klingon Bird-of-Prey, the Selok will be produced in
large fleets that will fly in squadrons. Rumored to out-gun the
Klingon B'rel-class and K'vort-class Birds-of-Prey, the Selok
will not only be superior in maneuvering capabilities, but in
firepower as well.
Advanced Cruiser
The Advanced Cruiser, the
long-awaited replacement for the Klingon-based Battle Cruiser,
will serve as the Warfleet's front-line destroyers. Armed with 2
plasma torpedo bays and 8 disruptor cannons, the Advanced Cruiser
has the firepower to go head-to-head with the Federation's
higher-classed starships, including the Galaxy-class. Launch of
this class vessel is scheduled for the next solar year.
Designed by Tal Shiar
engineers, the Talon was developed with three guidelines in mind:
1) Build a warship that will rival the best in the Romulan
Warfleet, 2) Agility, speed, and diminutive size should be taken
into great consideration, and 3) Arm it to the teeth with the
most lethal weapons ever produced in Romulan science. The result
is a warship armed with 8 plasma repulsers that continuously fire
in rapid succession and 4 type-Y planetary defense disruptor
cannons. Simulated tests show that the Talon will tear the
Federation Defiant-class escort to shreads in a one-on-one
confrontation. The Tal Shiar are eager to prove these tests.
When you know more about these vessels or other Romulan vessels send my an e-mail at
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