Please sign the gustbook, it has been busy here but no one is signing in, how curious. So, here again, I bid thee, sign in and let your name be a beacon in the darkness to others! Please note, you must use your "back" option on your browser to return to this menu when not in frames. And if you have any questions or comments about my site and wish to E me instead, that would be appreciated. Thanks-- ^'^ JA
Let this little star show you where the most recent updates are
Last updates 12/04/2002

If you wish to link back to my site, please use one of these graphics. Let me know when I have been added to your site and I will make sure to visit and return the favor, brightest blessings, --^'^ JA
Selected GFX by

Thanks, Raven *smile*
I know this link is not up, I am waiting for Raven to let me know where his site is now. :)