Chapter V: Force of Vengeance
Arcus Odyssey: Heroes of Arcus By Long Nguy Both sides clashed, Guy, Erin and Kara were obviously outmatched by their skilled oppositions. Guy was holding his own to both Durin and Wein, but the tide was turning in favor of Marleena's men. Erina and Kara were having trouble fighting Marleena, her lighting quick attacks drove them back easily. They were being toyed with, Marleena wanted to wear down Guy and his friends before she end their lives herself. "Is this all you got," Marleena said to Erin with a smirk. "Shut up you!" Erin dodge one of Marleena's swings. "Kara get Jedda here right now!" Guy yelled over the clashing swords. "But you need me here," she yelled back and try to hit Marleena with her mace but badly missed. "Just do it!" Guy charged again at the pair of swordsman. Erin swung her chain sword at Marleena again, "Go Kara we'll be able to hold them for now." Reluctantly Kara gave in and ran out the tavern door to find Jedda, leaving her friends to fend for themselves. "So they have another one," Durin said to Wein. "Even if they did, they still wouldn't have a chance in hell against us." "Wein gave a chuckle and landed a kick to Guy midsection. "How does that feel boy? Do you like it? Here's some more you stupid ape!" he threw a series of kicks and sword slashes at Guy. Durin backed away, giving Wein some more room to perform his attacks at Guy. A few kicks actually hit Guy, but a slash from Wein sword gave Guy a flesh wound on his arm. "Argh!" Guy screamed. Durin and Wein laughed. "Guy!" Erin yelled. "You bastards!" She swung her chain sword wildly and charged at Marleena. Jedda was just finish packing when he heard Kara's frantic call for him. "Jedda!" She ran into the room, "Guy and Erin need your help now! They're being attacked by someone claiming to be Drake's sister." "Where???" Jedda asked grabbing his things. "In the tavern, they're fighting in the tavern!" Kara grabbed Jedda's arm urging him to hurry. "You have to watch out, they are very good." She said as they headed down the inn's stairs. They past their horses as they reached the tavern's door. Jedda could hear the sound of sword fighting from within the tavern. "Stay here Kara," he said. "I have to help Guy," Kara held her mace out. Jedda held up his hand, "Kara please don't, those people are too dangerous. I want you to stay here." Kara nodded, "Ok but be careful." The sounds of fighting died down, Jedda busted through the tavern's door. He almost stumbled but regained his balance. Jedda notice Erin was on the ground unconscious and bleeding from the side of the head. Guy was still battling the two men that has cause his injuries. His right arm, leg and side were bleeding. He was barely holding out against the men. A women with light blond hair was sitting on a table sipping wine and enjoying the show. "Your friend finally arrived Guy Phergus. Looks like you'll need his help." Marleena laughed. Jedda gave a hateful look to Marleena then ran to Guy's side to take some pressure off him by blocking some of Durin's attacks. He swung both swords and was able to push Durin back. Guy was doing the same to Wein. Kara poked her head into the tavern, "Oh Erin." Luckily Erin laid near the door and Kara manage to drag her out without being seen. She started to treat Erin wound on the forehead first. That women must of done this to her Kara thought. I hope Guy and Jedda are alright. Jedda and Guy were at a tense stand off with the two men. Marleena continued sipping her wine amused at the fight, she knew her men wound end up being victories in the end. "Can you run?" Jedda whispered to Guy. "Yeah, I think so." Guy returned. "Then get ready to." Durin and Wein tighten their grip on their swords and inched forward. Durin's face was cool and calm, Wien on the other hand had a cocky smirk. "Now!" Jedda threw his right handed sword at Durin and Wein, causing them to dive for cover. Jedda and Guy bolted out the tavern's door. "Get back here you cowards!" Marleena yelled. She drew her sword and ran from the door, motioning her men to follow. Kara was just done bandaging Erin's head when Jedda and Guy ran out the tavern's door. "Whats going on???" Jedda picked up Erin from the ground and carried her over his shoulders, "Lets get the hell out of here!" They ran to their horses with Marleena and her men in hot pursuit. Jedda threw Erin on his horse then untied Erin's horse. He slapped it in the rear, sending the horse in the direction of their pursuers. "Watch out!" Durin manage to yell as the horse charged in their direction. They were able to dodge the horse, but that distraction had gave Jedda and his friends enough time to escape on horseback. "Damnit, get to the dragons," Marleena hissed. They raced back to their camp, losing valuable time every minute. Eris was playing with Juju, the youngest of the four dragons at camp. It was playfully fighting with her while the older dragon rested. Off in the distance three people were coming into view, "Lady Marleena?" "Eris mount your dragon," Marleena said as she equipped her armor. "Phergus and his friends are getting away. They are heading towards the hill valley in the west, maybe to Delbar." "We should have just killed them all right there," Wein said. "If we goto Delbar, it could start a war between our kingdoms." Marleena gave Wein a stare, "I don't care, I want them capture, alive for now." Jedda and his companions road down the road to the west. "Are you alright Guy," Jedda asked. "I'm going to be fine, they're just flesh wounds. Buy I think we're in deeper trouble then I first thought. That guy at the tavern called the women Lady Marleena. And if my memory serves me correctly, Lady Marleena is the champion dragon knight of the kingdom Melus." Guy said. Dragon riders Jedda thought. They'll be dead meat if they get caught in the open at the hill valley. "I think we should try to find some cover from the dragons if they are really dragon riders. Maybe in a cave, we'll be out of their sights." "Right, I'll see what I can find on the map, I doubt I will be able to find anything though." Guy looked through his saddle bag for a map. "In the mean time how's Erin doing?" "She's going to be fine, I healed the wound on her forehead." Kara replied. Jedda held the unconscious Erin closer to him, keeping her from falling off the horse, "Finally for once I don't get yelled or hit at." Unable to find any cover for the night Jedda and his friends camped out in the open countryside near a tree. Erin and Kara slept near the fire, while both Jedda and Guy kept watch. "Losing that horse is going to cost you Jedda," Guy said with a smile. "Huh? What you mean," Jedda asked. "You know Erin is going to be pissed about it when she wakes up. She's going to make you pay for it too. Either with your money or just plain beat you up." Guy laughed. Jedda poked the fire with a stick, "Thats reminds me Guy, you do owe me for that sword I lost. As of Erin," he snickered. "She isn't going to be any problem." "That cocky attitude of yours going to get to you one day," Guy poked at Jedda's head. Jedda smiled and laid back with his hands behind his head, "I'll just let you take watch first tonight of that." He wrapped his blanket tighter around him. "Are you sure those dragon knights won't follow us into Delbar territory?" Guy asked while taking a bite from a piece of dried beef. "No, but its our best bet they wouldn't. Unless that women really, really, really wants to kill us. In that case I don't think she wouldn't follow us to the depths of the nine hells." Guy sat at the camp fire near Kara trying to keep warm. He stared at the sky, looking at the stars. "Is my family up in the stars," he whispered to himself. "Do we become stars when we die? There's so many of them in the sky. Could each one be someone's soul glittering in the night's sky." Kara stirred then sat up, "Are you talking to yourself Guy? Hey your going to catch a cold if you don't wear something more warmer then that thin cloak." "I'm not really cold Kara," Guy replied not taking his eyes off the stars. She ignored his reply got up to get a blanket from pack off her horse. "Here," Kara said softly and placed the blanket around him. "Thanks," Guy said. A gush of cold air blew around Kara and she herself wrapped a blanket around her. "I'm sorry Guy," she sadly. "Sorry?" Guy ask dumbfounded. "Sorry for what?" "For being such a bad fighter," she replied. Guy smiled and place his hands on Kara's shoulders, "Its ok Kara, look if you want me to teach you how to fight just ask." Kara returned the smile, "You will?" Guy nodded. "Thanks!" she threw her arms around him. "Do you see anything?" Marleena shouted over the wailing wind. Durin scanned the ground, looking for any signs of Jedda's group. "No, nothing." He shouted back. Eris and Wein shook their heads. Marleena motioned the others to land. They started camp when they landed. "You take watch this time Eris, I hate to lose Wein if he falls asleep." Marleena said. Wein gave a victorious smiled to Eris, she stuck her tongue at him in return. "Ah I'm really going to get some sleep tonight." "Shut up Wein," she fully wrap her cloak around her in a single motion and sat down. Hours after Guy took watch it was time for Jedda to take over. Guy stood up and went over to him. He shook Jedda, "Hey wake up Jedda." Jedda woke and sat up, "My watch huh? Ok go ahead and get some sleep." Guy returned to where he sat and laid down to sleep, "Wake me up in the morning, I don't want to miss the sun rise." "Sure, don't worry I know how much you love seeing the sunrise." Jedda laughed. Soon Erin stirred in her slumber. He was chasing her, the evil basterd Drake. He's trying to kill her, no matter how fast she ran he was right behind her. He getting closer, only a few steps behind her. But now his skin began to peel. Erin tripped onto the ground. Drake was over her now. His flesh falling from his body, "Get away from me!!!" Erin yelled. Drake was rotting on her right in front of her eyes. Blood poured from his mouth into Erin's face. "Hehehehhehe," Drake laughed in a unearthly tone. "Don't you like the taste of my blood?" His face began to fall apart, maggots bursted out from every part of his body. "Ahhhhhhhhhhhh!!!" Erin cried. "Help me. Guy! Kara! JEDDA!!!" He heard Erin talking in her sleep. Jedda couldn't really understand what she said so he went over to her side. She started scream softly, fighting with a unseen force. He kneel down, he could see tears coming down the side of her face. Was she having a nightmare he thought. She mumbled for someone to help her. "Erin?" Jedda said trying to wake her by shaking he lightly. "Erin wake up." She stirred even more, "Guy, Kara, JEDDA!!!" Erin bolted up grabbing to her. Erin was covered in sweat, as soon as she released she was holding onto Jedda she pushed him away making him fall to his rear. She was breathing hard, Erin place her head in her hands. "Are you ok?" Jedda asked, he hugged his knees to his chest. Erin didn't answer, her heart still beating rapidly. "Erin?" She turned to Jedda with a frighten look in her eyes. Then she laid back down again and turned in the opposite direction. Jedda could only stare in confusion. Erin heard Jedda leaving her side, that dream had left her speechless. It was the most frightful dream she had in awhile. It had seemed so real, she began to get sick to her stomach. But she was able to keep from losing her stomach. She was unable to return to sleep, thinking about the horrible she until morning. Jedda stood and stretched in the cold morning sunlight, "Get up Guy, you don't want to miss the sunrise." Guy made a loud yawn, "Ah, the beautiful light of a new day. Lets wake the girls up." "You don't have to I'm already awake," Kara pushed herself up. Erin also sat up and wrapped her blanket around herself. "We don't have time to hunt for something to eat. Those dragon riders could be right behind us, so eat whatever we have in our supplies while on horseback." Guy said. "Awww, I hate eating while on the go." Kara pouted Erin stood up and looked at the horses, she notice her horse was not there. "Where's my horse?" The smile on Guy's face grew, "Jedda don't you have anything to say about her horse?" Jedda paused and turned to Erin slowly, "Um yeah... Guy used your horse as a diversion so we could get away." "What! Guy why did you use my horse?" Erin shouted, but not like she would to Jedda. Kara started to laugh and couldn't stop. "Hey it wasn't me! Jedda did it," Guy pointed to Jedda. Jedda held his hands out in front of him as if he was pushing a invisible wall, "Uh, I was, um." "Forget it Jedda, no excuse, your going to get me a new horse!" Erin yelled. They continued across the hill valleys knowing they are being followed by the women claiming to be the sister of Drake Sharen. "Where are we suppose to being going?" Erin asked questionably. Kara shrugged, "Don't ask me, I'm just following them." Erin caught up to Guy from behind, "Well? Where are we going." "If you really want to know, Jedda suggested that we goto Delbar," Guy said. A low growl started to come from Erin's throat, "Are you crazy! That kingdom is practically crawling with enemy soldiers! If we get caught there we'll either be killed or become slaves! There isn't anyway I'm going there!" "You'll rather be torn apart by dragons? We don't have a chance against them." Jedda said in a mocking tone. "The Melus kingdom are Delbar's enemy. They wouldn't want to risk starting war by entering into Delbar territory." "Damnit isn't there any other way?" Erin asked. Guy shook his head, "This is the best option for now." "Alright, but if something happens, your going to pay for it Jedda." Erin gave Jedda a angry look. "Whatever..." Jedda kicked his horse to go faster. Somewhere in Delbar, a man in elegant clothing is sitting on a throne. A skinny old man dressed in gray comes into the room and bows. "I'm sorry to disturb you King Roma, but we just have receive some information from our spies in the Melus kingdom." he said. One of King Roma's eye brow lifted, "Well? What is it?" "They have informed us that Marleena, Leader of the Melus's Dragon Knights and six other Dragon Knights are heading towards our kingdom. And as you know sire that five years ago both our kingdom has agree to stay away from each other, as written in the Goderm Treaty. Any military that ventures into either kingdom is a act of war." The man told. King Roma crossed his arms, "Have they cross our borders yet?" "We do not know sire, reports are unclear." The man replied. The king suddenly lost interest in the matter, "Tell our generals to ready our troops. Well use this excuse to finally take the Melus kingdom. We could of taken them out sooner if it wasn't for those damn Dragon Knights. But if we attack them with the element of suprise, they won't stand a chance. Now go and tell the generals!" "Yes sire," the man bowed and left the room to inform the generals. The air became cold then a voice suddenly echoed through King Roma's throne room, "So the kingdom of Melus are going to finally defy the Goderm Treaty. How long I waited for those fools to enter onto our territory." "Master, shall we launch the attack now?" King Roma asked. "Don't be a fool, I want our people to see them in Delbar. Then and only then do we attack. We must not attack without a cause, otherwise the people of Delbar would think we had a reason to attack the Melus kingdom." the voice said. A sense of fear filled King Roma, "Yes master how foolish of me. I will send spies to help fuel our people hatred for Melus." "Do not fail me or I will replace you with another doppelganger," The voice boomed. "I won't fail master," King Roma uttered. The voice disappear and King Roma slumped back into his throne. Jedda and his friends were now near the borders of Delbar. The green hill valleys became foggier and the land became flatter as they drew nearer to the once beautiful kingdom. They were able to avoid Marleena and the Dragon Knights so far and it seems like they'll be safe for now. "When I first came here during the war, Delbar was beautiful." Guy said. "Now it just seems like there's a damn curse on it. The clear sunny sky had been replaced by fog and thick dark clouds. The sun never shine down to the land anymore." "Oh..." was all Kara could say. Erin crossed her arms, a different feeling filled her. It was strange, the feeling felt bad. "Look at this place, how miserable." She said. "Lighten up Erin, oh I'm sureeeeeee we can make some money here," Kara mocked. "Whatever Kara, lets just find a town or something." Kara let out a hmph and stuck her nose up in the air and ignored Erin. In the meanwhile, Jedda was thinking up a plan to find a way to defeat Marleena and the Dragon Knights of Melus. Damn, those make it harder. They are all expert swordsman, shit we're going to have a hard time beating them. "Guy,
End of chapter V