A short story describing the "what-if" aftermath of GENOM's destruction.
By Ryan Blade After the fall of GENOM, the Knight Sabers thought that they were so strong that they could do anything they pleased. Their greed turned them into evil bitches. The Knight Sabers started attacking innocent civilians and threatened mom & pops stores with extortion. But from the secret laboratories of AD Police headquarters, came a new mecha group of law-enforcement officers. Lead by Inspector Leon McNichol, the new "CHAOS UNIT" are the only ones that could stop the crooked Knight Sabers and their know-it-all leader! The final battle ensued when Leon and two AD Police officers cornered the Knight Sabers in a orange-lit alley. Here, they fought to the death! The first to die was that wimp Nene. One slap from the souped-up K-12 and the little wench's head went spinning in the air. After that, slick-shit Linna thought that she was so quick and agile that she could avoid every one of the K-12's swings. But then the K-12 fired a volley of mini-missiles and caught the woman in a mid-flip. Next, their leader, the one and only know-it-all Sylia, used her devious mind to devise a plan. While the two K-12 units were busy fighting Linna, she could come up behind and cut each of them in half with the vibro-blade installed in the forearm of her hardsuit. There! The two AD Police officers' screams made the evil Sylia grin in a malicious satisfaction as the sword cut through metal, flesh, bone, and blood. The grin turned into a psychotic laughter as the mutilated bodies of the AD Police officers hit the asphalt. Suddenly, her sick moment of enjoyment ended when Priss' voice called out, "Sylia, look out!". Just as the surprised Sylia turned around to see what was behind her, Leon open-fired the gattling cannon of the K-12 that was held up to her face. Now it was Sylia's mutilated body that's lying lifelessly on the asphalt. Now, the only combatants left standing were Priss and Leon. "You bastard! I'll kill you!", yelled Priss as she charged Leon. But when she got close enough, she was shocked to see who was behind the K-12's face-plate... "Leon!". Just then Leon grabbed Priss by the arms and crushed them in the K-12's super grip. "I don't want to kill you Priss, but you'll leave me no choice if you don't come along quietly! Come on, I'm taking you in...". Just before Leon finished, Priss, known for her dike-like strength, amazingly broke out of the K-12's death-grip and plummeted herself to the ground, away from Leon. "One thing I want you to remember, AD Policeman, is I NEVER GIVE UP!" And with her last word, she threw off her helmet and raised her needle cannon arm up to her head. Flechettes of steel ripped through the mad- woman's head as the stunned Leon watched in awe. After the fall of the final member of the Knight Sabers, a lone Leon stood quietly and solemnly whispered, "Priss, you did give up. You did give up...". Upon return from Germany, regular wimp-boy and all-around pervert, Mackie Stingray heard all about the tragic demise of his evil sister and her trouble-making friends. "I must get revenge! I MUST GET REVENGE FOR WHAT YOU'VE DONE! McNICHOL! AD POLICE! YOU BASTARDS!!!" Recently demented Mackie then went over to old-man Raven's to enlist his aid in this plot for revenge. "Wwwwhat?! The Knight Sabers are dead?!". Dr. Raven was shocked to hear of the news. Mackie talked Raven into bringing out those extra moto-slaves that were stashed at his garage as spare units. The smart kid knew that he was going to need all four of the units that were available if he was to attack AD Police Headquarters. "Let's see, we've got the standard moto-slave which is the pink one that Nene never used, the slightly more armored red one that I made for Priss, the Typhoon II which the old man made, and the newly transformable Highway Star." After the mentioning of the Knight Sabers, Mackie begun to cry. He had already missed peeping at his sister. Just how perverted can a guy be. "Alright, AD Police, today is your last day!" Another boring night, thought Leon as he sat at his desk with the feet on top and arms behind his head. Just then, a big explosion blew open the roof of the AD Police building as officers ran in all directions to suit up. "Hmpf, maybe I spoke too soon." On the outside, four mecha were wrecking havoc as they enter the top floor through the hole in the roof made by a missile hit. Lines of AD Police grunts were blown apart by the twin machine gun cannons of the Typhoon II. Priss' old red moto-slave fired a missile and a whole section of the top floor crumbled to rubble. The pink moto-slave came in next, hovering and speeding across the room in an attempt to run down all of the officers in riot gear. Then the Highway Star, biggest and baddest of the bunch, followed in afterwards and sent explosive tipped bullets down at the approaching K-11's. The weak-ass armor of those cop suits didn't even stood a chance. Now the entire scene was just a horrific mess of blood, flames, broken glass and broken bodies. "Bring out the K-12 units now!", ordered Leon. In a few moments, they were suit-up and four K-12's were ready for battle. From the ceiling of the hallway where Leon, Daley, and two other officers were standing came the infamous moto-slaves crashing down in front of them. "I don't believe, the Knight Sabers are alive!", gasped Daley. "No they're not. Someone's controlling these by remote." Leon shot the pink moto-slave to bits but from behind him, the Typhoon II gave him a powerful slap to the head. Daley rushed up to it to open-fire but a missile from the red moto-slave exploded on his back and cracked open the visor on Daley's dead face. "Detective Wong!" the other officers cried out as they blew out the main sensors on the moto-slave's head. It dropped to the ground on top of Daley Wong's dead body. Leon was having some problems of his own as he fought with the Typhoon hand-to-hand when the Highway Star made a grand entrance. The officers were shocked to see how large this one was almost twice as tall as the one they had just destroyed. It raised its heavy assault machine gun rifle and fired but only managed to hit one the officers in the leg. "I' m alright, Apple. Don't worry about me, just keep firing!". The blue-haired female AD Police officer, after finding out that her gattling only can dent the thing, let loose all of her missiles which exploded on impact. Even after the smoke cleared, the Highway Star was still standing. "It's not dead yet!" She shouted. The thing raised the gun to fire again but much to their surprise, it ran out of ammo. "Now!!", shouted the injured officer who fired his two remaining missiles striking the mecha dead center in the broken chest- plate. The floor was weaken from the missile blast and gave away when the mangled Highway Star dropped to the floor. In the level below, it landed on a lazy secretary who was too busy putting on her make-up to know what hit her. All that was left was a broken desk and the blood spattered all over the office. Back upstairs, Leon had managed to severely damage the Typhoon. Then all of a sudden as it was just about to smash Leon's head in, it flew off as if someone recalled it. "Detective McNichol, are you alright?" The two officers called out. "Yeah, I'm alright. Too bad I can't say the same for Daley though." "Oh nooo! They're coming here!" Cried Raven. "Shut up, old man! I know what I'm doing. When the AD Police comes here, we'll be done fixing up the Typhoon. Then we'll give them a nasty surprise! Their K-12's are all damaged so they'll have to use the K-11's, which won't stand a chance against the Typhoon!" A burst of laughter came out of Mackie as he begun to believe he has become as crazy as his sister was and just as smart too. The old man could only give a nervous chuckle. "There, finished. Now, refill the ammo clips of the machine guns and then go hide in the garbage can out back. I be right behind you when I'm finish here. This robot will kill Leon McNichol when he comes here!" Followed by another burst of laughter. The old man did as told and Mackie followed as soon as he was done. Into the trash they went. Within a few minutes, four K-11's arrived at Raven's Garage. "Be careful sir, it could be a trap." An officer told Leon as he motioned for the grunts to surround and secure the area. The four K- 11's stood near the building while the grunts hid in the nearby bushes. Apple and Champ were off-duty and had gone home, Leon was jealous that his shift today doesn't end until morning. Anyway, one of them is on the injured list so he won't be of much use. It's funny that he's always getting injured, but its always just a "flesh wound". Now, Leon was stuck with three rookies, Kowlowski, White, and Yamashita. At least the other two knew how to fight. These three are a big question mark. Lost in thought, an AD police officer called to his attention, "Look, it's that blasted boomer!". Out of the yellow-lit triple doors of Raven's Garage came the notorious Typhoon II toting two big machine gun cannons. "Open fire!" All of the grunts shot their obsolete M42- A1's at the Typhoon II, but much to their dismay, cannot even dent it. Time for the mad machine to make its move. With just a wave of its arm, the machine gun sent AD Police cars and trucks up in smoke and flames and AD Police officers flying back into the bushes they hid in. Seeing this opportunity, Leon order his armored team to attack the Typhoon II. Kowlowski was the first to bite the dust. He took a direct hit in the face plate. Poor bastard, it was his first mission too, thought Leon. When the other two officers closed in, one of them fired his two cannons had managed stun the moto-slave for a second. That second was all the three AD Police officers needed to perform a simultaneous swift action. White and Yamashita each grabbed an arm of the moto-slave and Leon made an attempt to rip out it circuit wires. Just when his K-11's hand plunged into the Typhoon II's neck, he thought that the weak hands will break as result of the impact. But no, he had succeed in ripping out some the wires when suddenly white lost his grip. "You idiot, don't loosen your grip!" Leon can still remember the time when he had first joined AD Police. Jeena Malso said the same thing to him when they where tackling a tea-shop boomer. De Ja Vu. The Typhoon flung White across the street, knocked Leon away, and fired its cannon, killing Yamashita. Leon then took careful aim of his gun and shot the moto-slave in the torn and exposed neck area. The bullets tore apart the remaining wires and the lights in the Typhoon's eyes begun to dim. Then all was still. The shaken Leon got up from the ground and it had begun to rain. White seem to be okay too as he walked over to Yamashita's body. Then, all of the grunts in riot gear had begun emerging from their hiding places like the cowards they are. There was a moment of silence. Then followed by a celebration cheer for Inspector McNichol. From the depths of the garbage, Mackie and Raven could hear that the cheers only meant trouble. At this point the young boy-wonder knew he was in trouble. Just as he was thinking about what to do next, the sound of a garbage truck was approaching for the early morning trash collection. Saved! He thought. Being in the back of the garbage truck was much better than being behind bars. As the truck lifted the garbage can, Mackie and Raven counted their blessings. Then suddenly, McNichol's voice shouted, "AD Police! Hold it, buddy, we'd like to check the trash." "Be my guest, officer." Now Mackie was so scared that he had almost peed in his pants. Raven was shaken in nervous as well. They were in deep shit. The garbage truck lowered the garbage can and Leon opened the hatch. (The music from the opening snapshot scene of AD Police File #3 starts playing.) "Well well, look who we have here," said a sarcastic Leon. We've been wondering where you two have been hiding. Normally, arresting you guys would've been a job for the Normal Police, but since you guys like to cause so much trouble we'll be personally escorting you down to headquarters. How's that? It's a privilege that not too many people can have." When Leon finished, two grunts came over, dragged both of them out of the garbage can, and slapped cuffs on both the dirty Mackie and the soiled Dr. Raven. "What did I do? I just came back from Germany!" Shouted Mackie, not excepting his fate. "He made me do it, officers! I didn't want to!" Raven added. "You can both tell it to the judge," Leon said as he was walking away with sunglasses on and his hands in his pockets. As the officers took Mackie and Raven away, Leon glance back and saw Mackie gave him a threaten look and started going crazy in the patrol car. A couple of the officers restrained by giving him a good punch in the face. Leon chuckled, sighed, then walked on. Two fights in one night, it's almost too much. Maybe I should resign and disappear like Jeena did, he thought as he walked back to his patrol car. The Endryanblade@hotmail.com