BARONS Duke Angus of Wardshaven Mightiest of the barons of Gram, Angus has invested the Wardshaven fortunes in Viking ships to raid nearby systems. This has swelled his coffers further, so that Angus has begun lending money to other Barons who would go a-Viking as well. Finance is less risky than plunder, if not as big a haul ... Nikkolay Grantham The Grantham brothers united Xochitl's houses through marriage, and then enriched themselves through trade. You can buy almost anything the Old Federation ever produced on Xochitl, especially if it was abandoned in quantity at the approach of the Vikings. And it's a good place to sell your loot. Sir Rovard Grauffis Last of a military line going back to the System States War, Sir Rovard's world, Excalibur, is seeking brave warriors to recreate the Grand Alliance, the union of single-planet states that was beaten by the massed might of the Terran Federation some two centuries ago. Interestingly, Sir Rovard doesn't insist that he lead the Alliance himself, only that each member world be given considerable autonomy. Conn Maxwell of Dyrendal Gathering the technology of the lost Federation, Conn Maxwell's University of the Stars seeks to keep the Sword-Worlds in the forefront of science, even as Neobarbarism claims worlds all across the Galaxy. He never sells equipment, but is free with instructions on how to build your own, and pays top dollar for scientists and engineers.
| | A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | 1 | Beowulf | | Vishnu | Aditya | | Shiva | | | Svartalfheim | 2 |  | Amaterasu | Abalopeteshra |  | Kali |  | Gungnir | Alfheim |  | 3 | Grendel |  | Agni |  | EXCALIBUR |  | Mjolnir |  |  |
4 |  | Hrothgar |  | XOCHITL |  |  | JOYEUSE | Sisu |  | 5 |  | Uller | Volstag |  | GRAM |  | Kalevala |  | Nidavellir | 6 | Magni |  |  | DYRENDAL |  |  | Surtur | Bifrost |  | 7 |  |  | Thor |  | Hogun |  | Ymir |  | Hela | 8 | Asatru | Loki |  | Fandral | Fenris |  |  |  |  | 9 |  |  | Yggdrasil |  |  | Tyr | Garm |  | Freya | 10 | ODIN |  |  | MARDUK |  |  |  |  | BALDUR | FLEETS OF THE VIKINGSShip | Class | Home Port | Last Known Location | Upgrades | Damage |
Longreaver | Battleship | Wardshaven, Gram | Gram | Jump-3, 2 Ground Troops | none |
Esperenza | Cruiser | Xochitl | Xochitl | Jump Troops | none |
Zorina | Cruiser | Xochitl | Xochitl | Fighter Wing | none |
Cornucopia | Battleship | Dyrendal | Dyrendal | Jump-4 | none | Avenger | Battleship | Joyeuse | Beowulf | Fighters | 25% |
Independence | Battleship | Excalibur | Dyrendal | Two troops | none |
Rose | Escort | Rose Co. | Gram | Hospital Bay, Jump-3 | none
Diamond | Escort | Rose Co. | Gram | Scientists, Jump-3 | none
Dagger | Escort | Rose Co. | Gram | Troops, Jump-3 | none
NornScout | Scout | Norne Trading Company | Gram | none | none |
NornTran 1 | Transport | Norne Trading Company | 1 Troop | none | none |
NornTran 2 | Transport | Norne Trading Company | Gram | 3 IU in gold | none |
NornTran 3 | Transport | Norne Trading Company | Gram | none | none |
NornTran 4 | Transport | Norne Trading Company | Gram | none | none |
NornTran 5 | Transport | Norne Trading Company | Gram | none | none |
NornTran 6 | Transport | Norne Trading Company | Gram | none | none |
NornEscort | Escort | Norne Trading Company | Gram | 1 Troop | none
1st-25th Brigades | Troops | PRWP | Gram | 25 Troops | none
Norne Trading Company: 3
Pangalactic Revolutionary Worker's Party : 20
01101000 11101010: 0
The Rose Company: 0