The Warren is the quasi-official literary magazine of the Indiana Academy. . .Feel free to glimpse through our stories, poetry, essays, and artwork, or to contribute your own. Warren is a wholly student-produced operation, and is in no way subject to administrative censure. Email the webmaster if you want notificaition of updates.
The legal stuff. . .This page probably doesn't represent the thoughts, opinions, etc. of the entire Indiana Academy. In fact, I would bet it doesn't even come close. What's more, it's copyrighted 1998 by the Warren. . . with all poetry, prose, and graphics copyrighted by their authors. If you copy or reproduce any bit of this site without its creator's permission, you are violating all sorts of laws, not to mention ethics. We will pursue action through your ISP. What's more, you're just opening yourself up for a Cthuloid curse. Beware. This site is updated each time the Warren receives a new submisson. Calm down, that's not very often. The last update was November 14.
The On-line Warren was designed by Rebecca Riall.
The Warren is a literary magazine of the Indiana Academy. It is entirely student-produced -- from writings to publication -- and is in no way subject to administrative censure. No Burris students were harmed in the creation of this website. |