Last Updated: 04/28/2009 09:17:55

Almost a hacker!

Ceridon's Freehold

...a left-handed mirror page or alternate Freehold...check it out! The online and spaced out home of David Ceridon .
Nothing fancy and nothing werid! Heinlein's FreeHold in one of his novel is the theme for my FreeHold pages. Anything free is worth what you pay for but Freedom is priceless! Ideas freely expressed by this FreeHold maintains my Freedom.

Based loosely on my SCI-FI interest which stunted my growth in reading with the stolen readings of Space Warriors & Warrior Princesses pulps.

In my youth, Sci-Fi was grouped in the same category as a "Playboy" type with the Mad Scientist as the foldout (better than Vagas's Girls) Aha! The GOOD OLD DAYS....!!!!!

I have been trying to find somewhere to park my soul on the Net.

I find that the Net gives me a feeling of immortally when I publish openly and in relative freedom. Consider this webpage the CERIDON'S FREEHOLD JOURNAL or whatever else it can be! (...geee...paraphasing the Army PR now...must be losing it.

Maybe some of the thoughts and ideas will reach your soul....... or be rejected...

  Welcome to a Cold Warrior's little corner of the Web world and a speck on the Mote of the face of g... (the G word). Consider it a digest and journalized version of who I am and what seems to be important to me. Sure it won't tell you everything, but you know what they say...

" ...I think therefore I am... "

Please enjoy your visit. You honor us by being here. Thank you.

...a mote in the eye of god (which is dog spelled backward).

Free Ideas or Ideas of Freedom...

...which? Which is the real questions? Are the ideas expressed in the internet truly free or are ideas of freedom only being expressed on the net? When I get a "answering machine" module on my homepage or a free "form" module, the readers of my page will be able to express their "free" ideas. However, the lack of resources is a limitations on the freedom of expressing ideas and any delay compounds the problem. When my homepage is fully operational, won't my inbuilt bias of "good taste" or manners push my reluctant to accept ALL inputs into my homepage? Therefore, it is very possible that my page is a Freehold in the sense that the ideas on it is Free only to me.............

A Short Course In Human Relations

The six most important words: "I admit I made a mistake." The five most important words: "You did a good job." The four most important words: "What is your opinion?" The three most important words: "If you please." The two most important words: "Thank you." The one most important word: "We." The least important word: "I". "Who looks outside, dreams; who looks inside,awakes!" and remember....

I went to a party, Mom, I remembered what you said. You told me not to drink, Mom, so I drank soda instead. I really felt proud inside, Mom, the way you said I would. I didn t drink and drive, Mom even though the others said I should... ... ...

I know I did the right thing, Mom, I know you're always right. Now the party is finally ending, Mom, as everyone is driving out of sight. As I got into the car, Mom, I knew I would get home in one piece, because of the way you raised responsible and sweet... ... ... ...

I started to drive away, Mom, but as I pulled out into the road, the other car didn t see me, Mom, and hit me like a load... As I lay there on the pavement, Mom, I hear the policeman say... the other guy is drunk..., Mom, and the one who will pay... ... ... ... ...

I m lying here dying, Mom, I wish you d get here soon. How could this happen to me, Mom? My life just burst!... like a ballon. There s blood all around me, Mom, and most of it is mine... I heard the medic say, Mom, that I ll die in a short time... ... ... ... ... ...

I just wanted to tell you, Mom, I swear I didn t drink! It was the others, Mom. The others didn t think... ... He probably was at the same party as I, ...only difference, he drank, and I will die. Why do people drink, Mom? can ruin your whole life! I m feeling sharp pains now... ... ... Pains just like a knife... ... ... ... ... ... ...

The guy who hit me is walking, Mom, and I don t think it s fair... ... ... ... I m lying here dying and all he can do is stare... ... ... ... ... Tell my brother not to cry, Mom... Tell Daddy to be brave... And when I go to Heaven, Mom, ... ...put Daddy s Girl ... ... ...on my grave... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... an angel, now...

Someone should have told him, Mom, not to drink and drive!... If only they had told him, Mom, I would be still alive... My breath is getting shorter, Mom... ... ... ... ... ... I m becoming very scared... ... ... ... ... ... Please don t cry for me, ... ... ... ... ... when ...i need you, you were always there... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

...i have just one last question, ..., before i say goodbye... ... ... i didn t drink and drive, so why am i... ... ... ...the one to die... ...? ... ... ............. +


. unresearched... she is remembered as a... "Death of an Innocent"


  • Hobbies:

    SCI-FI, SCUBA, Chess, Book-Collecting, TeleComputing, BBS, etc., etc...oh...and of course "Webbing" or the art of being an audience of one on the Net, the mark, the dude you spam, the dude with multiple Email addresses, and the one who loves to delete messages and addresses from their personal servers....someone like me.

    Proactive statements:

    "The key to the positive development of ourselves and our relationships is through communication... By embracing the differences in others, and opening ourselves up to positive communicatiion, we can break down the walls of intolerance and CELEBRATE the richness of the diverse world we live in." (Emphasis added) "The fountain of content must spring up in the mind, and he who hath so little knowledge of human nature as to seek happiness by changing anything but his own disposition, will waste his life in fruitless efforts and multiply the grief he proposes to remove." "Innovation, creativity, and advancement - the hallmarks of proactivity - come from IMAGINING what might be." (Emphasis added)

    And, hey, if you feel inspired, drop me a line on my E-Mail or click for next page!

    mail me! Write me! Do anything you want with me! yah yeah.....hmmm! Everything here is copyrighted ©1996-2004 David Ceridon except the objects which were given freely or as promotional items.