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Some abbreviations used here:ST=Star Trek Classic, TNG=Star Trek-The Next Generation, DS9=Star Trek-Deep Space Nine, STV=Star Trek-Voyager, SW=Star Wars-A New Hope, TESB=Star Wars-The Empire Strikes Back, TROJ=Star Wars-The Return Of the Jedi, SW-TPM=Star Wars-The Phantom Menace, SW-AOTC=Star Wars-Attack Of The Clones,SW-ROTS=Star Wars-Revenge Of the Sith, DW=Doctor Who, BG=Battlestar Galactica, G1980=Galactica 1980, BG-RI=Battlestar Galactica-Reimaged, LIS=Lost In Space, S1999=Space 1999, B5=Babylon 5, BR=Buck Rogers (Gil Gerard), SF (or sci-fi)=Science Fiction

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News for Isaac Asimov Fans

Star Trek Flash!

Christmas of 2008 will be a very special one for all Trekkers young and old all over the world and across the UFP. That is the very day the very new ST movie (ST-XI {untitled as of yet}) will debut in theaters. Trekdom rumors were confirmed that it will be a "Prequal" to ST-TOS possibly set at Starfleet Acadmy where we meet younger versions of the characters we all know and love. Chris Pine will play James T. Kirk, Zachary Quinto will play Spock, Karl Urban will be Dr. McCoy, Simon Pegg is cast as Mr. Scott, John Cho will be Hikaru Sulu, Anton Yelchin will be Pavel Checkov and Zoe Saldana will be Penda Uhura. Also appearing will be Leonard Nimoy as a VERY OLD Spock {I have no spoilers as to how he will fit in....yet}. T. J. Hooker, errrr, William Shatner is also rumored to be making an appearance if the producers are able to find a way to work him in to the story line.

UPDATE:William Shatner will NOT be making an appearance in ST-XI. For whatever reason, no agreement could be reached or no way could be found to fit the erstwile Captain Kirk in.

UPDATE-PART 2: To avoid the crunch of many other big release movies over the Christmastime holiday, Paramount has announced that Star Trek XI release date has been pushed back until May 8, 2009. This is certainly bad news for trekkers and trekkies alike like myself who were anticipating a healthy serving of Trek along with their Christmas dinner. Producers felt that a broader audience could be reached with the mid-spring debut. Check out the trailer at the Official Star Trek Movie Page.

Star Trek Flash 2!!!

Part two of "Of Gods and Men" has been released for internet viewing. To view OGaM go to the official webpage. And for those of you who haven't seen part one yet, the official web site still has the link to view part one. Please watch my opinions page to see when I post my review OGaM part 2.

Part three of "Of Gods And Men" will be released for internet viewing on June 15, 2008 at 5:01pm Eastern time. This will be the final installment of the 'Fanfilm Series' and tie up all the loose ends left hanging after the cliffhanger of part two.


Is There A Doctor In The House???

Doctor Who-Series Five will see many changes come to the cast and crew. First of all, while David Tennant is fulfilling another acting obligation, there will be only 4 broadcast specials this tv season.

Second, R. T. Davies is stepping down and it will be very interesting to see how his replacement continues the series. The New Doctor Who has been a smashing success with each season-episode seemingly greater in scope than the previous season.

Thrid (and most importantly), David Tennant has announced that he is leaving DW at the conclusion of filming the above mentioned specials. I have yet to see any announcement as to a replacement for Mr. Tennant.

Doctor Who?

British newspapers and fans were asking the above question when the BBC Wales announced Matt Smith as the replacement for David Tennant in the long running series Doctor Who, scheduled to commence Series 5 (season 31) in 2010. The biggest question was why such a relatively young (younger than Peter Davison when he assumed the role of the Doctor) and inexperienced actor? Let's just wait and see. The official regeneration will occur in the Christmas special. And having seen the new DW, it would not surprise me if it happened in the first five minutes of the episode. More later.

Disclaimer-This is a fan run, not for profit site. It is here just because I enjoy SF. All show names, movie titles, characters, situations, jargon and slang, terminology, logos, pictures and likenesses, etc. used here are the property of their repspective copyright holders. No copyright infringement is intended. All other material, coding, writings, opinions and items not covered above is copyright © 2008 M. A. Sopko

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