Welcome to the 3rd Regiment's Page.

"The Masters of the Wild Hunt"


1st Lance -- Fire Support

2nd Lance -- Recon 3rd Lance -- Recon 4th Lance -- Recon
Lt. Col Vacant (CO)Cpt. Batou (XO)Maj. Target (LC)Lt. XD (LC)
Lt.Col.Shin Cpl. CrannDsgt. Raith Cdt. Eboz
Sir Bg.Gen.KrackAddict (UXO)OPENSgt. GoldenboyCdt. Kouza
Bg.Gen CoronaSgt. WatcherPup. StarchildPup. Wetwork

3rd Regiment Mailer

Kell Hounds Comm Center

Training and Protocol

Link to and Maps and Cool Images

Check out Maj. Katzenjammer's web page

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You got it, We want it,We'll take it!

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© 1996 - 1997 krackad@home.com, © 1997 corona@cadvision.com

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