Well to start off with on friday evening I walked through my bedroom and saw that the ceiling was driping... we put up tarps to stop the damage and started looking for a roofer....
After a week of trying to find sombody to repair our roof... estamates running $5500.00 and up, with a 6 week plus waiting time we decided to re do the roof ourselves... after all we re-roofed the other side of the house... it should be a snap.
**the "I" in this page refers to either myself or my spouse. I (starmoss) used a letter (megawatt) sent out as a base for the html.. saved typing**
Here's some pictures and a few words... about how it has been :)

We started off on a bright, cloudless Monday morning.....

This is Ray, my good neighbor, helping out as usual.

Luke's tearing off the old roofing, note the blue sky behind him...

Dale and his friend Tommy, who came over to help out too....

side note... the side of the roof over the original construction was done in 3/4 inch thick 6 inch wide tongue and groove, but where the carport had been closed in for a bedroom it was 1/4 inch plywood (extra cheap) and the beams are 24" apart.... no wonder it was leaking and felt squishy.

Busily tearing off ............ Almost done with the whole old roof.... And then.................

Disaster, it started raining like a monsoon. We had some tarps, but it was not enough. This is where the ceiling fell in on the kitchen.
Pizza nite!

This is after removing all wet panels and insulation, from the kitchen all across the dining room.... that was the end of Monday's work....

another side note... My "dining room" is actually a computer room with a table.... our lan is set up there.. as soon as we relized what was hapening we had to move 2 computers,3 desks,4 boxes of software.. and our dvd/vhs collection from the rather soggy unstable room.

Started again on Tuesday, at the crack of dawn. Actually I was awake at 4am, and couldn't sleep. I waited until we had just barely enough light to work, and we got started.

This is several hours later, we have removed all the nails and just about have the felt down. This will make the house waterproof again.

And it's a good thing too...

Just kidding! That storm passed us to the North. We had no rain on Tuesday!!

Still Tuesday, putting up flashing... Ray and the George (the handyman we hired) gluing down the first roll.

Complete! Tuesday afternoon!!!

we went and got take out Chinese :)

Now on to the next project, don't they look happy??

Wednesday morning... First prep ... removing all drywall from ceiling and getting new insulation

Install new insulation......... Prep work done!! Wednesday afternoon.
Hardies chicken... the biscuts were icky... :( we are running out of options for take home food.

Thursday morning, enter the drywall hangers. The one on the stilts is Dale's girlfriend's Dad. A friend in the business. These guys were amazing, and it was great that they could do the job so soon. And quick too.. they stated at about 9am, and were finished before 11.

Finishing touches..... ....... And it's like it never happened.

So now it's Thursday evening, the batteries are dead in the camera, so no more pics :( We spent the afternoon cleaning up around the house and getting things back as close to normal as we can. We can't paint the room until Saturday, but we can live in it again. Finally cooked the first dinner we've eaten at home all week, and it's nice to get back to home cooking.

That ,however, is just the start of my little home improvement project for the summer.

Friday.... went shopping at home depot, we need new lights... also went to Wal-mart for painting supplies.....

The clean-up continues....


Prep. for painting....

I cleaned the carpet... but it smells like something died....

removed carpet... baseboard... Hummm the wall doesn't come all the way to the floor.

Our year old Lab/chow mix puppy is really helpful when it comes to home improvement!

Painted the ceiling
end Saturday.....

Sunday..... Painted the walls... a nice happy yellow ^_^ see the nice new fixture... beats the 1950's square plate any day.

Monday we went shopping at Home depot... We really needed something for the floor...
decided on tile... we have never put down tile before, so we got a book... everyone says it's a snap. It takes 2 trips to haul it all home... Tile is HEAVY!!

Monday afternoon Step 1. dry run laying tile...where is the center of the room anyway.....As You can see, Hiei is being helpful again...

Tuesday...step 2 of "Tile the floor"

The first tiles are down....10 am

Almost time for a lunch break....

Look at the nice thinset mortar stuff... the trowel makes nice rows... Luke thinks it's some kind of zen garden thing....

Working hard at 2pm... the light section of the floor is where we removed some of the linolum... we were trying to be able to use only full tiles... no luck though.

Dale cuts the tiles...

Last corner... and the last of the cut tiles

The room is almost done...8pm

At last... the last tile is in place....9:45pm

to be cont.... grouting on friday.