I think they do, and I believe that they already know us and been here. I have heard many versions about how they look and breath and talk. I also heard many versions about the look of their space ships and how they work. All the stories I heard couldn't fill 10MB of disk space not to talk about the 2MB they give me in Geocities. so with the small disk space I have I decided to put something usefull and I started to gather some sightings, pictures and info. about UFOs and ALIENS and to make a site on them.
I have been working for a few weeks about gathering UFO pictures and descriptions and to devide them into groups and that's what became of it:
UFO type A: The most classical and known UFO craft, which is a disc shaped large object also called "Flying Saucer".
many of the sightings told about that type of UFOs or very similar. In Some of the sightings it was said that the UFO was hoovering very close to the ground as in searching for something. this might indicate that such craft is more a research craft maybe(?).
UFO type B: This type of UFO is known for it's Triangle form. In some of the sightings it's been said that it looks like a piramide of some sort, others say it's width is higher in the front side of the craft and lower in the back. No more special comments were said on this type of craft.
UFO type C: I'm not sure if some of UFOs that I put under this section can't come under one or two of the other types this group of UFOs
is known by it's shape of a miteor or a commet, a bright light, moving in high speed, carrying after him small aura, somtimes big aura, sometimes no aura at all.
That kind of description shows that the object is being seen from large distance .but it doesn't nessecerly have to be a UFO of this type, it could be from another type or,
the sight could also be a commet, meteor or maybe even a plane.
In some of the sightings it's been said that the object was green. In most of these kind of sightings the UFO craft moved really fast as it been said, unlike the first two types
that said that the craft was moving fast but not VERY fast.
This type is more likely a subtype of A but still there is some defrence.This type is kind of others group, in this type I gathered some sightings about
UFOs which have no special pattern,order or form.
Most of them are a little bit similar to type A but not nessecerly discs, some of them are cubes, coccons Etc...
The larger part of sightings told that the UFOs were moving fast and had a very strong light. This maybe indicates about a huge fuel core in the crafts or maybe just solar energy.
Most of UFOs are built in a very Hydrodinamic way which may indicates of both above and underwater mobility. After all the pattern between the types is a little bit similar but still very defrent.
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