You pass through the glistening gateway. Strange sounds assault your ears; your mind reels as different worlds fluctuate and drift into and through your mind. Finally, with the guidance of the familiar young woman, you find yourself standing in another world. Above you are only stars and two silvery moons. Around you is a world of forests and castles, of farms and townships, of good and evil.
Suddenly, one of the moons vanishes for a second as a large shape passes in front of it. When its light shines down on you once again, you see the large, gorgeous wings of a dragon.
"Welcome, my friend," the dragon says in her familiar voice. It is Shiliki - a different form, but her, nonetheless. "Come. Allow me to take you to the township."
She leans her long neck downward and you scramble onto her back. With a powerful leap, the dragon launches into the air, her wings beating fiercely to gain altitude, then falling into a steady rhythm as you glide into the night.
Finally, you see below you a tiny gathering of huts, fires flickering warmly from behind their windows. The tiny town is surrounded on all sides by natural barriers, but the roads leading to it from all sides makes passage to and from the village quite possible. The entire scene has a welcoming feeling to it.
Shiliki lands lightly in front of the largest of the buildings and lowers her neck once again to let you off. As soon as you have clambered down her shoulder, the dragon becomes Shiliki's true form. A beautiful young woman, appearing to be about sixteen, stands before you, her deep-blue eyes glistening in the moonlight and reflecting the firelight from the buildings around you. She is dressed in black leather leggings and a silk-woven tunic of the same color. Around her shoulders is a black travelling cloak, and at her side is a sword with a blue crystal in the hilt. A figure shifts occasionally inside the crystal.
Shiliki leads you inside through the doorway of the building to the mainroom of an inn. Various beings are gathered here, everything from elves to humans, from dwarves to giants. Faries drink alongside gnomes, and other strange creatures that you can't identify make up a large part of the inn's clientelle.
"Enjoy your stay, traveller," Shiliki says. "I shall be nearby if you need my aid. You are welcome here." With that, Shiliki turns and leaves the inn, leaving you in the foreign world to explore as you will...