"Hello, fellow traveller. Welcome...." The strange voice echoes through your mind forcefully, yet accompaning it is a sense of comfort and assurance. You blink your eyes and look around; the dream occurs often enough, but this time, it feels real....
As you stand gazing around you at the strange, foggy landscape that has become so familiar in your sleep and in your day-dreams, you sense that something has changed. Other than everything being so vivid and real, you now notice two strange gateways that you cannot quite see, but you somehow sense that they are there.
As your eyes adjust to the shifting world around you, you can manage to pick out the edges of the two portals and find that if you gaze at one long enough, you can make out what lies through it: Behind one lies a sea of stars. Strange ships navigate their ways between worlds or ship goods between ports. People make war or treaties with other beings - sometimes with other people. You discover you are looking into several possible, albeit distant, futures.
The second portal shifts under your gaze to reveal a domain of mysticism and magic. Mages cast spells from their high towers; warriors do battle for the honor of their lords; peasants rise in revolt against their corrupt kings. Magic ripples from the portal, wrapping itself around you in a strange sense of horror and power, evil and good, right and wrong. Legends untwine before your eyes, and you can see how human-kind might have been.
"Come, then, traveller," the beautiful, familiar voice intones once more in your mind. "Make your choice:
Before you stands two gateways:
Or enter my other dimension (Irene Zaugg's Homepage):
Read my Dreambook! Sign my Dreambook! |
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