Welcome to the Israeli gaming homepage!

Contents|Whats new?|E-mail addresses|Credits


In the Israeli gaming site you can find:


Dark Eden

"Middle Earth: The Wizards" - remote page

NON's Garden of Hell!

Whats new?

Oh well, practically nothing. Waiting for PL, updating the COTW...

E-mail addresses

E-mail non:

E-mail Pozy:


E-mail Yo:



Head writer, "Garden of Hell" designer, DoomTrooper manager, DarkEden manager, Page boss and a magor pain-in-the-ass: NON the Apostle of Junk Food:-)

HTML/Java geek, METW page manager, alien: YO the coweler
Graphics manager, RPG manager, Cybertronic reject: POZY the obliterator

Our thanks to: Uncle BooBoo, Bryan Winter, Patrik Wandmark and the CryptKeeper, for helping us build this site!

Did you like our homepage? Do you have one of your own? Link us and lettuce know so we can link you too!

Last Updated: JUNE 3rd 1997
version 5.05

Doomtrooper is a trademark of Target Game AB and Hartbraker Hobbies.