"For as the soil makes the sprout come up and a garden causes seeds to grow, so the Sovereign LORD will make righteousness and praise spring up before all nations." ISAIAH 61:11

When? Spring of 2009? It's May 2008 right now. And this message still hasn't entered in to the public's collective consciousness. It is effectively outlawed. That prospect of righteousness and praise springing up before all nations doesn't seem to be likely--but the way the Bible puts it,it is inevitable. That's the all-caps LORD, the Sovereign One. The LORD who gives plants of the field to everyone. (Zechariah 10:1) 10:2 begins, "The idols speak deceit." The idols redefine plants from food to "drugs," and that word causes the Great Tribulation (A lot of people suffering from unjust laws.) Once the humble and the needy are able to thank God for hemp in a public fashion, then we will see Isaiah 29:19 come to pass.("Once more the humble will rejoice in the LORD; the needy will rejoice in the Holy One of Israel.") That vile word "drug" has to be abolished, in order to restore justice to the land. See Isaiah 29:21--"those who with a word make a man out to be guilty, who ensnare the defender in court and with false testimony deprive the innocent of justice." So we're looking for an end to this misbegotten war on so-called drugs. My fellow Americans, let's do this. Together. Voluntarily. Just because we can. God's Chosen Fast. Loosing of the chains of injustice, those odious and harmful laws that oppress the poor. God gives plants of the field to all of us. Let's act on earth in a manner that honors such righteousness. It starts with an end to the war on plants-called-drugs by the world forces of darkness and the idols. Set the oppressed free--those in jail now for plant-related crimes. Those aren't true crimes--they are acts of appreciation and gratitude. We need a radical change. Let it be soon!

Still to come.

I don't have much to add to the transcript itself, which explains things quite simply and clearly. Read it again. Or listen to the 18 1/2 minute message. Or just the first 6 minutes. I ask for God's Chosen Fast in the first 3 minutes. I stand by this call for justice, here in 2008 and on until the end of time. Let's do this, my fellow Americans. Any year is fine, but let's pick a year to repent en masse, and let's revise our laws to reflect Zechariah 10:1. Now, or as close to now as we can manage. 2008. Or 2009. Whichever. If we just try this thing, this liberating day of prisoner release, we will immediately benefit from the return of justice to the land. "The fear of the LORD is the beginning of wisdom," as one Psalm puts it. And I love the fear of the LORD. He piles our dead bodies on our lifeless idols when He abhors us. Or else we throw our idols to the rodents and the bats. In the end its one or the other. Let's be sensible and purge them from our system. Throw them away! God thanks you, I thank you, and all of creation will thank you. Stupid idols. BE GONE!

Here's a link to an online Bible, to check my references.. BIBLE

Oh yeah. Repent. The usual. Original I am not. I'm not supposed to be. Generic prophet. It's in the name.
