I've mentioned my fondness for monsters elsewhere; most of the books and movies I read and watch feature monsters of one kind or another. The image above is from the upcoming Starship Troopers, which should be great fun this November--the latest release date in a series.

I can't review that one yet. I will have seen it when it comes out, but that is several months down the line as I write. If I were to pan it before watching it, that wouldn't be fair, would it? So how come King's X and Nicklebag can rage against Elijah, slander that individual and assassinate his character years before and after his one-time-only Call for Justice was made? How come that kind of unfair criticism only bothers one man and his uniquely-anti-idol God? They attack an innocent man before they even give him a chance to be heard, while they persecute the man relentlessly and endlessly because he just happens to be sick and in need of constant medication. That's cruel and unusual punishment.

Yes I'm obsessive, but at least I'm CONSISTENTLY obsessive. Plus, I'm pretty damned funny. I'll review King's X's 1992 eponymous release. They rage against Elijah and accuse him of being a "smiling executioner" and "choosing death for life." That's false. Not true. Therefore, their album sucks. Big time. Human history could have done without that kind of blatent in-your-face LORD God Almighty slander and contempt. Honestly. Lamentations 3:63 is optional, not mandatory.
Monsters. Bad guys. Monster bad guys. If I were reading a book, and these chumps figured into it, that would be one thing. However, years before God's messenger delivered his message, these God-haters for six generations curse their contemporaries and God and Elijah by devoting themselves utterly to unchangeable slander and falsehood, committing the only unforgiveable sin mentioned in the Book. (Blashemy of the Holy Spirit.) And the worst part about it from the faithful loving messenger's perspective is, that was a choice these men made. Rather than wait to find out what Elijah would say, they attacked him years ahead of his scheduled arrival, and presented him with an insurmountable snare and obstacle by simply making accusations that had no foundation to them, no substance. If "faith is the substance of things hoped for, the conviction of things not seen" (Hebrews 11:1), then the faithlessness of these particular idolaters should not have been able to thwart God's purposes in sending a man ahead of Himself to prepare the way by clearing the way of idols. And yet there's the Hosea 9:7&8 reality, King's X, 1992, "Prisoner."

These men should have waited until at least 1994 before they made any comments at all about the man's performance. Because in 1992, he was a man just like them, only unlike them, a man who acknowledged God, loved mercy and walked humbly with his LORD. When an entire generation of a nation refused to do so.
Sorry. Slander is a touchy subject for me. Many years later, long after Starship Troopers came out, this band is still touring the country and the world, and my message still hasn't been heard. They were an abortive attack on the messenger, and they succeeded in drowning the message out. I know at least one of the King's X band members is fond of the Elijah proof, but that doesn't stop him from raging just because he can. Better for him not to have been born than to slander the Holy Spirit with his hostile lies. But then I'm assuming Isaiah 41:11 will include that band of malefactors in its fulfillment phase--"All who rage against you will surely be ashamed and disgraced; those who oppose you will be as nothing and perish." I know the next verse hasn't come true yet either--"Though you search for your enemies, you will not find them. Those who wage war against you will be as nothing at all." That seems like a fantasy now here in 2008, which is long past the due date for a day of vengeance.

I really believe that these Isaiah verses will come true. All of them. Even the ones that seem most incredible to the messenger here in 2008, 14 years after the call went out, with this war on plants still in full effect mode, with the opposition still funded by millions of dollars, and the media still refusing to let my point of view be heard. That Hosea 9:8 clause is a bitch. ("...snares await him on all his paths, and hostility in the house of his God.") Snares have been completely effective at silencing my shouting out loud voice, when I first quoted Isaiah 58:1 at the outset of the message. I did not hold back, I shouted it aloud, I raised my voice like a trumpet. And nobody heard me. I'm still calling for justice on this website, and still I'm completely unknown and unrecognized. When Isaiah claims "See, they are all false!" he wasn't kidding. Nobody believed the promise of God--a messenger in the last days, prior to any kind of supernatural intervention. That's why I set up the Elijah proof clause--Prove Elijah Prove God Grow Hemp Verify Seed-bearing Plant Copyright God. That's an independent potential cause for Isaiah 61:11. If the nation proves the prophet, they prove God's contention that He created all that comes out of the ground--"who spread out the earth and all that comes out of it...." Isaiah 42:5. In that prophetic chapter regarding the "chosen one," the servant of the LORD. That applies to somebody in the last days, and that somebody should be Elijah. Theoretically. I only lay claim to that name because nobody else has, and I call for God's Chosen Fast, in the White House, before the year of favor Jubilee circa 1994-95. So back to the issue of slander. It confuses the issues, by functioning as a snare and a bind. The power of that one Isaiah 29:21 word that has caused the great tribulation endured by so many Americans, it's still thwarting justice and contributing to great suffering on behalf of many innocent people. I've got all the key substitute words to clarify that passage--"...those who with a word make a man out to be guilty, who ensnare the defender in court and with false testimony deprive the innocent of justice." "It is the LORD who gives plants of the field to everyone." Zechariah 10:1. "The idols speak deceit." Zechariah 10:2. I've made this point a million times by now--that false testimony word is "drug." God's word is "food." God is right so help me God hand on Bible. That is the reason "the humble will rejoice in the LORD" and "the needy will rejoice in the Holy One of Israel." Isaiah 29:19. That's the whole point of my message. That's the revolution waiting to happen. I look forward to the eventual mass dispersion of these simple Bible truths; I long for it with all of my heart and soul. Release to the prisoners. An end to this ungodly war on plants that the LORD created and gave to everyone freely.