The Moonless Caves
Fabio Capello
You are near a shore of a big lake and there's a castle at the horizon. You give rapidly a look around and begin to feel lost. There's a forest next to the shore and afterwards you can catch a glimpse of a glade. You stand up and look where go to. Your are really confused but decide to walk 'til the glade trying to see if you can realize where you are. When you arrive near the first row of the tree you realize that there's a path that from there leads to the castle, but it take a long walk, about three or four hour. You stand a while trying to decide where you can go, when you begin to listen a strange dialogue coming from the glade, about hundred yard from the place where you are now. What do you do? - I guess, I'll give a look around in the glade. - I continue on the castle's way. |