
"The Goddess"

Caressing my face with tender love and care.

She speaks to me in the song of the wind,

Treating me to all the secrets of the wonderful life.

Watching a sunset, I am mesmerized by Her beauty,

Silently blessing the sky with a paramount of colors.

As a tear gently rolls down my cheek, I know that I am blessed

By Her that would grant me the magic of life.

I am compelled to sing with the trees of all that She is,

As my heart dances in the clouds with the joy of life that

She gives.

She comes to me in my dreams, and speaks to me of the gifts

That She bestows upon me for simply whispering Her name in

my prayers.

I am The Goddess, as I admire the simple beauty that I see

all around me,

And, in this admiration, I know that I am giving back to Her

What is justly Hers for now, and for all time.

Total devotion, and dedication to being all She would wish me to


A vessel for Her love and Her blessing to all that I meet.

Kari Schad



*This Poem is on loan to me, and is copyrighted, please do not

copy this poem without permission from the writer above.

Thank you Kari*

(Kari Schad)

Last updated 1/8/96

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