Welcome to
the Rogue's Gallery,
a picture collection
of mad scientists and other
evil sorts from the past,
present, future, past's future,
future's past, ect.
Category 1: The ones we see.
Dr.Clayton Forrester and
TV's Frank
These two get to be in the first picture on this page because they
were the inspiration for the creation of this web page in the first
place. My eyes still glass-over when I think of them as both
being murdered, but that could be because now they'll NEVER be able to
pay back the $5 they owe me. <*sniff*>

Ya know em', ya love em': Pinky and the Brain
I've seen almost all of their short cartoons on reruns of
Anamaniacs (Now I want to take over the world too.
They made it look so fun!), but haven't seen
their solo show yet. Either
way watched, one thing remains clear:
niarB yebo lliw ew I have no idea
who said that or what it means, but
I'm sure the catchy nature of that saying will take America
by storm! I just can't stop saying it myself.
I tried and really can't.
Norman Stansfield
One of my favorite homicidal "bad cops".
Category 2: The ones we are.
Dr.Jane Amaris "Amy" Smith
her League description
her super-duper-explosive-robots-and-rice-MiSTie web site