Toddy's Ultimate Webpage

This is the Ultimate Transformer Webpage. I will also have other stuff that I find cool. I will also have some links to other pages concerning stuff I like. Here is my Brothers page (Vonski's Whatever page) I have also watched every episode that YTV has shown.

I collect Beaties(Beast Wars in the U.S). I have most of them but I have tooken most of them out of there packages so there not worth as much.

The Old Transfromers

I have inherited a bunch of older transformers from my Brorther Vonski. I took apon myself and been watching and collecting since I was old anough to talk. I have also watched every episode that the local Movie store has,( about 2000 times). And my favorite one is Transformers the movie.

Thanx for visiting Toddy's Web page. Special thanx to Vonski.

This page is always under Constrution