Psych Fic:

Fractures --- Shawn's mother pops up yet again, prompting an unpleasant conversation between father and son.

Corpses, Curses, & Cops, Oh My --- Hey, even fake psychics are apt to have visions sometimes.  Shawn's fraudulant claims at psychic abilities backfire in ways he never imagined.  (in progress)

VR.5 Fic:
  A Most Dangerous Game --- A post Reunion VR.5 piece of fic. Facing the loss of Sydney in VR.7 and the imminent danger presented by the Keeper of unknown alliance, Oliver & Duncan scurry to get the Blooms out of harms way. Sampson has friends, but can they be trusted? (226K)

Buffy The Vampire Slayer Fic:

Underneath My Skin --- A Buffy the Vampire Slayer story. Buffy's "spider sense" is ranging off the scale around her Watcher. Is he really acting as fishy as she thinks, or has her imagination gotten the best of her? (157K)

Next Stop: Delousing! --- A (hopefully) humorous BtVS short. Our intrepid Mr. Giles finds himself incarcerated and for the life of him, doesn't have the foggiest notion as to why. (9K)

DS9 Fic:

Until Darkness Comes --- A DS9 story set around the 2nd season. A vampire is lose on DS9. Normally, such as that might entail stakes, garlic, and holywater wielded by riotous peassants. However, what protocol does Starfleet suggest when the bloodsucker in question is your Chief Medical Officer? (166K)

Unfinished and unlikely to ever be:

Everything in Its Own Time --- A BtVS/VR.5 crossover. Mr. Giles is getting bombarded with strange visions of memories which don't jive with his nice, normal vampire-ridden life. Exhausted and more than a little punch drunk, he runs to Ms. Calendar for a bit of information. The events which then snowball from there makes them both wonder the sanity of each as life on the Hellmouth meets a world out of a LeCarre novel. --- Sorry, lost interest a long time ago....

More to come when I write it and manage to HTMLize my other stories. VK.