My homepage

Who the fuck am I?

My name is Mark McLaughlin and I roleplay a lot. Well I suppose I GM, when you`ve been GMing constantly as much as I have you begin to notice the difference! I am a student... Hmm I wonder what you think about that!? I am a very lazy one too. I study just enough to get me through first year in Electronic Engineering in Dublin City University. I am on the computers constantly and so I will update this page daily (probably!). Its about the only thing I`m not too lazy to do.. *shame*.
I think I`ll try to learn Java as it seems to spice up home pages..
(Anyway after that totally irrelevant comment I will recomence this file!)
I spend 6 months of my non-academic year in Waterford, >> THIS PART HAS BEEN SNIPPED DUE TO ITS OFFENSIVE NATURE << I spend the other 6 months in the extremely dangerous city of Dublin where I go to college. This is a hostile city! You must always keep an eye on you`re valuables and generally staple you`re pockets closed when you walk about the town. Taxi drivers will attempt to knock you down or abuse you (and rip you off if you avail of their services) at every opertunity. They usually miss when trying to knock you down however.. This is because they never really meant to hit you (they might get in trouble with the law!). They only try to scare the shit out of you. Motorists is general will rev up the engines as you cross the road (if their stopped at a red, otherwise you`re dead!).

More about me!
I am a male (surprise!). I am 18 years old and around 6` 2``.. thats in height! When I`m not roleplaying I make a mess at my flat! (thats in Dublin, In Waterord I must discard my rebellious ways and avail of the free food back in the family house).
I program (yes i`m totally mad), I write short stories. One day I want to be the supreme ruler of the universe but until then I will toil as a student and hopefully get a job. Not a 9 to 5`er though. I couldnt do that. You`ll be happy to know that I recently got my results 3 B`s and 2 C`s, maybe this means I`m not so lazy after all.

You may have noticed that this page was written as kind of a stream of thought technique. This basicly means that I made it up as I went along, said the first thing that came into my head and generally strayed from subject to subject trying to give some idea of who I am. I apologise for any spelling mistakes which I undoubtedly left in my wake.