Morgan Ironwolf's Home Page

a.k.a KM Morgan and Morgankom

Welcome Traveler.

I am Morgan Ironwolf.  I also go by the name KM Morgan and Morgan Kom.  I am a member of the Keepers of Magic Guild.

My titles are Lord Scribe and Historian, also former Assistant Guild Master.

My home is under construction and is not open to the public.  If any of you have any  design opinions, please let me know.  Thank you for your visit.

I hope you enjoy your stay.  Since you want to stay for a while, let me tell you about myself.   My name is Morgan Ironwolf.  I changed my name when my world was  destroyed by the GODS.  I came from the world of NeverWinter.  It was a wonderful place to live and work.  If you were more adventurous, there were plenty of beasts and monsters to pick a fight  with.  When I first opened my eyes to the world, I had the urge to travel and seek my fortune.  I met some great people along my travels.  One person I met was a beatiful lady by the name of  Matira.  She help me win my first fight with a back of wild boars.  After talking with her for a  long time, she introduced me to her fell Guild members.  I was stunned by how they were so great friends and opened minded to the world and the people in it.  After waiting a week, I became a member. I was now a members of the Keepers Of Magic.    It was a glorious time for me.  I had new friends, a new home, and the whole world to travel in. After a short time in the Guild I became assistant trainer to new recruits.  I did not know I had this title until I became a full trainer and the Guild went through a change.  The change was supposed to be good for all the Guild but it was a time of arguing.  The full Guild split into 4 Clan and a Upper Council. That was the plan of the Upper Council.  The Clans could do what they wanted.  They could train, promote and  council without the other Guild members.  BUT what happened is that everyone did not follow the new charter. There were only a few that really followed it.  I was one of them.  After this I became head (Supreme Mage)  of my Clan, The Xoth.  Lords of the Fire.  This is were I started my full leadership duties.  I will continue my story another time.  You look tired.  Good day and my your journies be plentiful. Want me to finish my story?

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