The Little Cheshire Wonder Page

Cluttering the web since 1996!

Possibly too cute at times, but we guarantee no Hello Kitty references ....or your money cheerfully refunded

Heart-Stopping Feature: See my entire page BACKWARDS!

If this mouseover works, you will see the end of the world!

Welcome to Wonderland

Home of the original

The dancing letters above look really cool while Crystal Method's "Busy Child" is playing, just so ya know.

Run your mouse cursor over the cartoon Cheshire above. That's called a "Mouseover." You will find many more on this page. All graphics were made years ago on a 486. Consider it a history lesson. Note on 1-18-05: I see that the new versions of Internet Explorer block the mouseovers as "questionable, even potentially devastating content."


This is me, ChessieCat

Klik on my face and I will offer you a snack

Chessiecat, in complete, absolute, unquestioning, total seriousness, salutes the New Age with a GENUINE PHOTO OF HER AURA!

You Will Believe! (And if you don't, well, EXPLAIN THE PICTURE)

I really had this thing taken with an "aura camera" in October '97. I couldn't resist. I could have bought a pizza with the money, but then there'd be nothing to put here but a scan of a grease stain.

Images are linked to larger versions so you can be amazed.

I went in again this year (October '98) and had another aura photo taken!

There is no earthly explanation for the complete aura color overhaul. They say auras are supposed to remain stable over time.
Theory: Chessiecat is not of this earth.

I will subject myself to the aura camera once a year in the name of science.

October '99: Heck with it. This year I'm getting the pizza.

Now lookee here. A numerology fractal.

Kerry Mitchell took my full name and birth date and used his own crafty, magical methods to make and color a fractal using those parameters. This is especially interesting to me because these are my two favorite colors AND my favorite fractal form, known as a Julia. MAKE OF IT WHAT YOU WILL.

Do I need to mention this thumb is linked to a larger version?

A Neat Thing

I got to see what dappled sun patterns look like during a partial eclipse. I think this is really neat. We take patterns of sunlight for granted. Here you can see they turned into lots of crescents at the height of the eclipse. Click.

Another Neat Thing

Here is an interesting piece of art, Entre les Trous de la Memoire, by Dominique Appia.

Do you read books? If so, I would like to ask you a favor: would you please tell me who your favorite authors are? . Genres and book titles would be appreciated also. Thank you!

My current favorite authors are Sheri S. Tepper and Ursula K. Le Guin....well, those are the ones I can think of right now.

You've seen this weirdness here first, ok? Cuz I wrote this! It's kind of the Bard meets JavaScript meets Sideshow Bob...

Ye Olde Victorian Random Put-Down Generator

Click as many times as you want to custom make your own old-fashioned epithet to hurl at friends, family, and foes! A nearly infinite number of combinations is possible! Interesting reactions guaranteed! Watch people back slowly away from you as you shout one of these priceless gems! Fun!

Now is a good time to do some Zen meditating, while this is loading

A Wise Woman once told me that girl kitties have pansy faces. You be the judge! Here are Bee, the Pumpkin Zoey, and Trilby to demonstrate:

Run your mouse cursor over the cats, pansies, and bottom pansy banner and they will sing for you.

I am not the only one to make the pansy cat connection! A great artist, Zoe Stokes, did too! Klik on her little pansy cat to see her full image:

This handsome, intelligent fellow is Dewey. He's a boy, so he doesn't have a pansy face.

Run your cursor over his hairy face to see my favorite mouseover


Did I hear you cry, "YES!"? You must be cool. Klik on Dewey's face to be transported to a heavenly oasis (all the fun, none of the cat hair) called the:


(English translation: "cat photo album")

THE FELIDS SPEAK! Click on each tiny, hairy face to hear actual utterances made by these magnificent beasts.

These recordings reflect the quality craftsmanship you've come to expect from Chessiecat...


Note: Zoey, the first cat, actually pled the fifth, so what you'll hear is what she's THINKING.

Hey Superman's my contribution! Klik on the little image below to see, in full sized glory, SUPERZOE!

If you think THAT was weird.....

Observe this fabulous morph of me and Bee I made with a freeware program in about 10 minutes.

Bonus Weirdness:

Remember ASCII art? I do...and I still love it. For your viewing pleasure: An ASCII Cheshire Cat

     Fractal Alert     

Chessiecat has a fractal gallery!

Note: The gallery is now on another server, as you'll see by the address

Astonishing Cat Fractal

Two scenes from Hocking Hills, the best place in Ohio.

I don't get many chances to take photographs of lights at night, but here are a few.

Speaking of fractals....and pansies.....I am honored to feature the Ultimate Pansy Fractal in the Known Universe right here on my page, made by Doug Owen. Thanks, Doug!!!!

Klik image to see larger, more glorious size

Wanna see some more JavaScript? Yeah! You know those Magic 8-balls that answer questions? Well this is just like one of those, except you ask Trilby instead of an 8-ball. Felids know everything, you see. I had to put this on another page because it requires frames. So klik here if you dare to seek the truth and your ultimate destiny!!!!!

Gypsy Trilby Teller, the Fickle Fortune-telling Felid of Fate!

    How 'bout some funny button sayings...? OK!

    Serving Donuts on Another Planet
    Excuse Me While I Mark My Territory
    Polka Till You Puke
    If Today Was a Fish, I'd Throw it Back
    Once I've Gathered Enough Information for the Almighty Zontar, I'm Outta Here
    The Ozone Layer or Cheese in a Spray Can? Don't Make Me Choose!
    Speak With a Live Psycho...Please Have Your Important Questions Ready
    Mind Like a Steel Trap--Rusty and Illegal in 37 States
    I Intend to Live Forever... So Far, So Good
    Support Bacteria--They're the Only Culture Some People Have
    The Only Substitute for Good Manners is Quick Reflexes
    I Drive Way Too Fast to Worry About Cholesterol
    I Almost Had a Psychic Girlfriend but She Left Me Before We Met
    I Wonder How Much Deeper the Ocean Would Be Without Sponges?
    Honk If You Love Peace and Quiet
    Change Is Inevitable, Except From a Vending Machine
    Pardon My Driving...I'm Reloading
    It's Not Hard to Meet Expenses....They're Everywhere
    Suburbia: Where They Tear Out the Trees & Then Name Streets After Them
    Too Many Freaks, Not Enough Circuses

    What's your favorite button saying in the world?

    I have developed my own Houska recipe. Houska, also called Vanocka, is a sweet Czechoslovakian bread with gold raisins.

    I have my own award now, to issue at random to worthy pages!

    It's the Chessiecat Golden Butt Award!

    So far I have awarded it to two pages.

    Congratulations, Ted Prewitt! Check out his dryer lint action page!

    And Paul and his Prehistoric Dogs!

    Apply Today! Give your page that instant look of sophistication this award provides!

    Animated Gifs :

    If you hit this ball you will see amazing cat action!
    You know how the Cheshire Cat appears and disappears? Have you always wanted to see that? Well now's your chance! Hit this ball:
    Proof that any chimp with a modem and a right mouse button can be a graphicsmeister

    Time for some Link Action! Have some. Oh, I insist!

    I know. Links to other pages can be a pain. Everybody has too many. Who has the time to go through them all? So I just did a few hopefully unique ones. Close your eyes and pick one.

    Please send witty observations, pleas for advice, overwhelming praise, fractals, funny jokes, and cash to:

    You are visitor number just in the last 15 minutes.

    The Amazing Cheshire Cat Guestbook!

    Sign it! (Please?) Read what other people wrote! Meditate upon it!

    Heck, if you made it this far, you might as well sign it, AND, not only will you become eligible for valuable cash and prizes, but I will love you forever

    Since 3 is the magic number, I have 3 felids, and I am the Queen of Excess, I was compelled to join 3 webrings. This makes me the nexus of all 3 rings, thus, hopefully, creating a vortex of power from which something good will arise, maybe a Pentium or something I could use.

    I would like to announce that since I joined these three rings, I did indeed get a Pentium. IT WORKED!!!
    give me pigs
    roll on the next site
    no, go back one
    list of next five sites

    web ring for the strange, click here for info

    ¶§¥ÇHø§ \\'ëþ®îñG øFFîÇîå£ MëMþë®

    This Webring is owned byDeathreaper
    This site is owned by Chessiecat
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    Run your mouse over this one (above)!!! Do it in time with some techno music!


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