Hello and Welcome to

If this a return visit you will be able to see that I have been giving this site a bit of a clean up and a much needed restructure. Hopefully you should be able to find everything much easier now and you may even find something interesting, though I don't hold out much hope for that ever happening.

So what can you expect to find in my site? Personally I would recommend taking a look for your self and stop waisting time but reading this message, but then you aren't me. Baring in mind the last comment I will only give you a parafrased version.
There is an art section with pictures by Salvador Dali, Sorayama Hajime, Christian Riese Lassen, and various Tolkien pictures. In the art section there is also pictures I have made and my 6th form art folio.
There is a literature section with stuff on authors and their books, including JRR Tolkien, William Horwood, Terry Pratchett and Bernard Cornwell. I have done a review of ever book I have read during 1997 - 98. There is a Joke section with loads of jokes I have found around the internet, including Microsoft, Lawyer, Lightbulb and Blonde jokes. There is a poetry section with some of my faviourite poems.
There is a section on me, scary I know! Has lots of stuff that I have done, like my art, my better school projects and game levels that I have made.
There is a gaming section, featuring Command and Conquer, Need for Speed, and the Quake series. As well as reviews of lots of other games that I have liked through the ages.
There is a links section full of places I like to go when I am online, they are probebly all broken links but there you go.
Finnally there is, oh, that is all there is. Oh well hope you have fun, click Enter at the bottom of the page to enter.

Please note this site uses frames and shockwave flash 3, it is best viewed with Interenet Explorer 4/5 etc. (and yes I know netscape is better but there you go)

Warning If you are intending to view this site on an Acorn please read my disclaimer first.
Warning Important link for all those icq users (this message WON'T delete your icq)
Also if you are an english teacher or any like object please note I have taken it upon myself to re-invent the english language.
