Life in The Universe

The space is full of various such wandering clusters invisible to us. Of only one supernova explosion we get hundred of thousands of such wandering clusters. The total mass of such remnant of supernova explosion itself works out to 5 to 6 solar masses!

Can we know how much invisible matter exists in the space in our galaxy itself! Let us try to do that exercise. Our galaxy is supposed to be about 12 b years old. It contains approx. 5 b stars. We can say that 10 per cent of it would be having higher masses than our sun. So we get about 500 m stars having more mass than our sun. Of this 500 m stars there may be about 5 per cent stars having more mass than 10 solar mass.

This gives us a number of supernova possible stars in number of 25 m! They all may not have formed at the time of beginning of our galaxy. We would consider that only one per cent of it might have formed at the beginning of our galaxy and the rest have formed during its life gradually. So in the beginning of our galaxy we had only 250,000 stars which could convert into supernova.

A star, such a star has minimum life of only 5 years and maximum of 8 b years. We shall consider that the first supernova explosion occurred after 8 b years of beginning of galaxy. Also we shall consider that the second explosion occurred after 5 m years! We shall also consider that there is one explosion in our galaxy at about every 15000 years. This is an observed fact.

If we consider that the supernova explosion period decreased gradually we can easily calculate that during last 4 b years of life of our galaxy it has seen 1600 such explosions! Each explosion would leave out invisible matter of about six solar mass, that would mean that we have about 10000 solar mass invisible matters wandering in our galaxy!!

As we have seen that after 5 m years of supernova explosion the exploded matter gets converted into invisible matter - clusters - few hundred thousands of them. Each cluster would contain hundred of thousands of wandering planets and gas clouds. If we observe more closely we shall find that a ball of 15000 km attract a ball of 3000 km and drags it along with him. It can also happen that the 3000 km ball starts rotating round the 15000 km ball within few hundred thousand years to establish a stable gravitational equilibrium between the two balls. It can also so happen that a ball of 25-30000 km has more than one - may be ten balls of 1000 - 5000 km in dia rotating round it!

Thus a cluster not only contains wandering planets only but it contains wandering planets with satellites!! There is a possibility that during their irregular travel two planets may come near each other and get apart without any accident. But accidents may occur in space, regularly. When they come near each other it may so happen that a ball of smaller diameter may lose one or two of its satellites to the bigger one!

It could also happen that a very small satellite of bigger ball may transfer itself to the smaller one! Whenever such accident happens both balls may waver in their path due to temporary dis-equilibrium of their gravitational system which slowly gets regularised again. May be after few thousand years!

We can look at this wavered path of bath the balls as bit differently from the point of view of humanity. Wavered path of planet which has gained a satellite or two could be described as a winners dance to express pleasure! A loser ball also wavers, but it can be said that it is staggering because of sadness of its loss!!

These are minor accidents. Major accidents may also occur. Like two balls colliding with each other! They get destroyed. Their satellite may get destroyed or may escape the accident unscratched - move out to join some other ball or create their own system, by accepting few fragments of the destroyed balls as their own satellite! Any thing can happen.

All these things keep happening in the space in the clusters travelling randomly. We can see nothing of it as they are invisible. We can now also imagine very well what would happen when two clusters come near to each other or when they collide with each other! we need not go into its details but we need to concentrate our attention to what really happens when such a cluster passes near to any star or it crosses the path of a star!

I would like to remind you once again that such clusters are so big that it takes about 300-5000 years for a star to pass through it!!

But before we concentrate on that I would like to inform you that all above calculations were done on the assumption that the life of our galaxy is 12 b years. Infact it is now realised that the life of universe is higher than 13 b years it could be anywhere between 16 to 20 b years. In this case the quantum of invisible matter will increase to a very great extent.

We shall during our discussion establish that the life of Universe is about 26 b years!!

-- By: Indu Mamtora.


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