Welcome to Christophers Homepage!!

June Update: I have added a slew of new pages to my site (all under construction still) that deal with The Griffon Alliance a faction on the Star Wars One MUSH Game and also a World War Two page where I have some really good pics of ships and the like. If there are any problems/suggestions please e-mail me by using the below. -Christopher

Here is a summary of all information located on my page:
Role-Playing Games:
Star Wars Role-Playing Game; GURPS Character Sheets; A Advanced Dungeons and Dragons webpage about the Campaign and Characters in an old campaign plus a link to my brothers homepage which is big on AD&D Material. I also have uploaded the Werewolf Character Sheets that I have made but there are some good ones on the White-Wolf site you might want to check out.
Military and History:
I have recently added World War Two pictures of ships and a couple of aircraft from that conflict and will be updating it and adding more when I get the chance. I also have links to all Department of Defense sites that you might find intresting.
On-Line Gaming
I have the Earth-Force Website for the Babylon 5 MUX game, which I am no-longer apart of and will be moving soon, and The Griffon Alliance Database which I am still constructing and will hopefully have up and completed by the end of the month. (Yeah Right :))

Ok now for alittle about me...
Well first off my name is Christopher and I am a recent graduate of St. Anthony's High School. I am one of the lucky few whom have been accepted to The Citadel and will be attending it on August 22nd. There I will be one of the many 4th class Cadets called 'Knobs'. It is my desire to graduate from there through the NROTC program and become a commissioned officer in the United States Navy. I usually do a lot of my on-line gaming from where I work to keep my sanity and pass the time and can be found on the following places: Star Wars One MUSH and TrekMUSE, on which I actively play the characters: Tallon Rishar (SW1) and Griffiths (TrekMUSE). I also like to play Book-RPG's when I have free time though I know soon enough that I will not be able to do that any more :( within the near future. Well if you know me or just want to drop a line to me e-mail me at the bottom address.

Click here to enter the Griffon Database.

Role-Playing Games Page

Click here for Military Links:

Click Here for Pics of WWII Ships.

Picture page: Includes Special Edition

My Link Page

I would like to take this space to Thank Geocities for the Chance to have a homepage on the Internet.
E-mail me if you have any Questions
Click Here
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To visit my homepage since Mar. 30th
Last Modified: July 11th, 1998
Time: 14:41:29 EST
Current Version: 12.0