This page has a full walkthrough to help people get out of a jam. It also has hints, tips and other information about the game for those who have already defeated it. If you have a comment or question about my page feel free to email me at
In Narshe you will have one charicter TERRA you will start out in magi-tec armor and you will storm Narshe to get to an esper in cave. The cave is located in the northern part of the city. You do not have a choice in the matter because TERRA (the character you find yourself controling) is being controled by a slave crown. This part of the game is to teach you how to play and is almost impossible to die in.
As soon as you get farenough into the game you will fase a snail like creature. This boss is not hard at all to fight as long as you remember not to attack it while it is in it's shell. If you do you will be zapped by a massive lighting bolt. As soon as you beat him you should explore the cave some more and after a while you sould come across the espr you were seaching for. Eventualy you will come across LOCKE. You will take control of LOCKE at this point and you will fight a huge battle. MOG (a character that you will get later in the game) will come to your side in this battle. The battle may be big but don't worry it is not hard at all.
After winning the battle with you will be sent to Figaro. In Figaro you will meet EDGER (Figaro's king) and SABIN (EDGER's brother). You will get EDGER on your team but SABIN is only talked about. As soon as EDGER joins you, buy his tools in a small room inside Figaro. As soon as that is acomplished head SE to Figaro Cave. Enter the cave and be sure to visit the recovery spring (it is the pool of water withe the turtle in it. Leave all the treasure chests. later you can pick them up with more valuable items in them. As soon as you come out on the other sid of the cave save the game. From there head down to the city. Explre the town and look in every box and berrel for treasure. As you explore you should run into SHADOW (Shadow will not join your team but don't worry you will meat him again after the River Ride). After you are done exploreing buy some weopons and armor. I you wish, you may rent a Chocobo and take it to SABIN's Cottage (North of S. Figaro). From there rest up and try to get your party to 2nd or 3rd levels. Then head to Mt. Kolts (to the east). Try to get all the tresures. After a while of exploring you should run into Vargus. Defete his bears and then attack him. After a while SABIN will join in. Once SABIN joins the fight the rest of the party will be blowen off the screen. Do one of SABIN's Blizes (the only one you have is Pummel at this point. After you beat Vargus head Norht to the Returners' Hideout. There you will meet BANNON (leader of the Reterners).
River Ride
As soon as you meet BANNON you will find out that the Empire is attacking. You must escape the ambush by jumping on a raft and floating down the river. Before you go get all the treasure in the rooms. There is a White Cape (a relic) hidden in the room with all the boxs. Go behind hte boxes and to the right. The river ride is easy but there is main guy at the end of it. He is an octopus named ULTROS. You will be alright as long as you keep BANNON alive. Keep using health every turn and it will be impossible to lose. As soon as you beat ULTROS your charicters will be split apart into groups each one having there oun senerio. You get get to pick from one of these. It does not matter which you do first.
Locke's Senario
I chose to do this senario first becase it is the easyest. The first thing you have to do in this senario is to find the rich man house to do this you have to steal clothes from people by picking fights with solders and merchents and stealin there clothes buring battle. As soon as you get to the cloths there will be a room that has a draft. Go behind the bookshelve and down into the basement. At one point in the basement it asks you if you would like to swich clothes. Frtom there go strait down. You will find a hidden room full of treasure. From there you have to find CELES and leave the town, check the basment for other chests there is a lot of key armor hidden about. Head north through the cave and fight the TunnelArm, have CELES use relic while LOCKE fights. As soon as the main guy is beat the senario is over.
Sabin's Senario
This is the longest of the senarios. Sabin will be washed on shore and rescued by GAU The first thing you have to do is find SHADOW. As soon as you find SHADOW buy at least 50 shurikans. Then head north to the Empire's camp. When you find a chest in one of the tests hit it instead of kicking it or you will be attacked. There you will meet CYAN. From there head south through the gost forest. Hop on the train. Try to aviod fighting because if you fight too much SHADOW will leave before you get on the gost train. If you talk to the gosts some may join your team otheres may attack you and some may sell you items. You will fight the gost train at the end. At the bottom of Baron falls you will meet GAU. Head to Mobliz there buy what need. Make sure to buy some dry meat. Fight for a while in the Veldt until you run into GAU. Use the dryed meat on him and he will join your team. A shiny Item will be talked about. Head south to Crescent. Search the cave and you will eventualy find a diving helmet. Use it to go into Serpent Trench. Go right both times to get all the treasure or go two left to go strait toNikeah. Once you arrive at Niceah buy what you need and then take the ship to South Figaro.
Terra's Scenario
This senario is so easy you do not need my help. Just remember to visit MOG. KUPO!!!
Together at Last
Kefka and group of his soldiers attack. There goal is to take the Esper and kill BANNON! The party is at a disagreement but manage to join together to stop the Empire at all costs. The fight is easy as long as you use EDGER's Bio Blaster and CYA's Quadra slam. Use the girls to cure with their magic. After the battle TERA will go ballistic and will fly off to the west.
The Search
After Terra goes, you will be in Narshe. Buy the best of ever thing there and remember to check out the tresure room. One chest will be locked. you should go to Figaro Castle to buy some tools for EDGER. There put SABIN or EDGER in the front of the party and you will get the them for half price! Submure the castle to get to Kohlingen. If you have only 3 peoplewith you and 3000 GP you can enlist SHADOW for a little while. Head north to a small house (where the Coliseum would be in the World of Ruin). There you will get a Hero Ring. Then head south to Jidoor, search the town and when you are done rent a Chocobo if you want. Head north to Zozo. When you enter head as far left as you can, and find the building with the stopped clock. set it for 6:10:50, and you will find a passage to the Chainsaw. Head to largest tower and climb it getting all the tresure chests along the way. One of the trusure cests will hold the valuable Thief Glove. This will allow LOCKE to use the Capture comand, which will alow him to fight and steal in one turn. When you think you have reached a dead end jump across to the building next to it. Continue up the tower to fight Dadaluma. Use every thing you have on him and when he calls for back up ingnore the reinforcements and concentrate on him. Then go up to Terra.
The Opera House
Afer finding TERRA you must pick two people to go with CELES and LOCKE. Who ever you pick, do not pick SHADOW!!! He will leave the party and you will be stuck with three people. Go back to Kohlingen, and talk to every one in town. Then go to Owzer's house (the one farthest north), and talk to the ImpressoRead the letter and talk to the man, then head for the Opera House (its south of Jidoor). When you arive go to the dressing room with LOCKE and review the script then when the play starts pick the first choice and then pick the second choice and then the third. Then go upstairs and walk over to Draco. talk to him and then pick up the flowers and walk upstairs. Then walk to the balcony and your done. with LOCKE pick up the note in the room and then equip th Sprint Shoes and talk to the Impresario . then go up the right balcony and pull the far right swich. the go back to where you were sitting and then left and up. try to avoid the rats but if you have to fight them kill the yellow ones first because the will call for reinforcements. when you fight Ultos you will fall to balcony. Use any fire related movesto do the most damage. He will eventually escape.
Magitek Factory
When you reach Albrook Buy the best avilible weapons and armor. Then go to Vector (its the big castle). Don't sleep at the inn. Instead refuse to pleage your alience and soldiers will attack but whenyou kill them the lady will heal you and you can visit her when ever you wish. When you think your ready go to the back of the camp and talk to the man behind the box. He will help sneak your party into the factory. Clinb onto the box and sneak into the factory. Here you will find several treasures. Equipt the flame and thunder equiptment that you will find. Equipt a sword for Celes because you willl want to do Runic often. Then look for Kefka. you will find him throughing two creatures down a pit. Go down and talk to the left one. Use Ice attacks on Ifrit and strong fire attacks on Shiva. They will turn into Magicite. Have Locke steal from soldiers to get tents. Go through the left door, use a tent, and save your game. Go through the right door this time. Go u[ the stairs and into the Esper Processing chambers. Here look for the Break Blade go through the door and fight #024 watch out he will change his weaknesses when he flashes so just use fighting tactics to beat him. He is difficult to hurt him with magic attacks so it is beast to not try. Use Aura Bolt and Dispatch . These Techniques work best. Go through the next door and talk to Cid. Then watch the cinema scene that will take place. When it is over follow Cid. Use a tent and save your game before you takt to Cid
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