Created by Chris Carter

A Tribute by WonderTed

Millennium™ and ©1996-1999 FOX Broadcasting Company

the time is near

Greetings, fellow Millennium fans! As you may in anger or disappointment come to realize, the cancellation of this show has taken one last victim with it - namely my spirit for adding to these pages. I apologize for no longer updating this site - If there are things you wish me to add, I may check in from time to time for your ideas, but I'll make no promises. I hope you enjoy what I have here. RIP, if you can. -WT-

This is the way the world ends
Not with a bang, but a whimper.

- T.S. Eliot -

A Few Places to go...

Preshow Quotes Catalog
Show-by-Show Blackisms and Quotes
Fox's MILLENNIUM site.
Megan Gallagher Online Chat Transcript
Shea's MILLENNIUM FAQ sheet.
MILLENNIUM-Related Links (In Progress)
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Frank Uses Search Engines...

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The trembling finger of a woman
Goes down the list of casualties
On the evening of the first snow.

The house is cold and the list is long.

All our names are included.

- Charles Simic -

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This is who we are...


"You can't stop it." "I want you to make believe that I can."

Last updated on 2.11.00 by WonderTed

You are visitor number since December 10th, 1996.