The Lion of Crusadia...

Special Note: Some players are trying to recreate the Goldenshield Story Line. We do not acknowledge these thieving lamers. Especially not Wintson Goldenshield, who apparently doesn't even read well.


This I beheld, or dreamed it in a dream: -
There spread a cloud of dust along a plain;
And underneath the cloud, or in it,
A prince's banner wavered, then staggered backward, hemmed by foes.
A craven hung along the battle's edge, and thought, "Had I a sword of keener steel--
That blue blade that the king's son bears -- but this blunt thing!"--
He snapped and flung it from his hand,
And lowering crept away and left the field.
Then came the king's son, wounded, sore bestead, and weaponless,
And saw the broken sword, hilt-buried in the dry and trodden sand,
And ran and snatched it, and with battle-shout lifted afresh he hewed his enemy down,
And saved a great cause that heroic day.

Edward Sill

I am putting this edit in to keep my site active :)

No, 'tis the story of some great and heroic deed I performed, though it is often spoke of, my hubris is not so great

Rather, 'tis a work of a favorite bard, words I find myself looking to often, as I sit deep within my abode, contemplating all that has come before, and casting speculation on what will come, and you lucky reader, have the pleasure, for my pride will name it so, to read that which I muse upon

And what is it my mind dwells on? I could offer a mere recounting of my life's events, create a shrine to the many who occupy a special place in my heart... speak of my impending wedding... or perhaps I will regale the reader with some great anecdote, a tale of high drama... full of lovely maidens and clashing swords... aye I could do that, and it is no boast that the tales would be true.

And what is the true object of my mind? I have been caled Truthseeker by one being, is it truth then which occupies me? No, in truth it is not... not strictly speaking at least.

Life... that is the object of my musings, what it means... a purpose to it, the questions which have been asked so many times by so many people that perhaps there mre act of casting about within my mind has become some overwrought cliche. But I cannot deny that which occupies my mind.. and so what is the meaning of life, what grand revelation shall be revealed within? No immediate answer comes... but, as I look back upon my former musings, and find a most interesting passage:

I was born, I will die, and in between I will live, and I can only hope that the happy times number more then the sad, that I do not cause undue suffering to those around us, if I can succeed in this, then I will have accomplished my goals.

This then is an accurate summation.. no grand sweeping answers, life, my dear friends, is a journey, and this is a reward in and of itself... seek not the answers too hard, for once they are found, your life will find itself at an end. This then, is my truth... life is about the exploration, about the journey, not the end... live for the sake of life... waste not your time seeking an answer which will only signal an end... the world is a vast place, see what it contains... the truth will present itself in due time

I leave you now... these are my words.. there is nothing left for me to say

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