
The Un-Official Century Singer Home Page


The Vocal Music Office

The beginnings of the Vocal Music Office of Texas A&M University can be traced all the way back to 1894, only 18 years after the university's founding. At that time, nine men who shared a love of music and song formed the A&M Glee Club, under the direction of Professor A.M. Soule. After going through several reorginizations, the Glee Club finally became known as the Singing Cadets in 1940. From 1940 - 1971, the Singing Cadets continued to grow in size and popularity, earning the right to be called the "Voice of Aggieland," and even performing with the Fightin' Texas Aggie Band at halftime during football games. They became so popular, in fact, that the still relatively new female population of Texas A&M began to ask for a choral group they could participate in. Thus the Century Singers were born.

The New Tradition Singers

In 1971, the New Tradition Singers were formed by Robert Boone. Mr. Boone had been the director of the Singing Cadets since 1960, and saw the need for a mixed chorus who would become, as the name implied, the new tradition in Aggieland. As part of the centennial commemorative celebration of 1976, the group changed its name to the Century Singers, and the name has stuck ever since.

The Century Singers

Like their predecesors, the Singing Cadets, the Century Singers have continued to grow in size and popularity. Starting as a 40-voice choir, the Century Singers now boast over 80 members, and a proud twenty-five year history that includes two European Tours as well as visits to New York (where they performed in Carnagie Hall) and Canada.

The Century Singers perform a wide variety of music, from the most challenging classical repertoire to folk song arrangements, spirituals, and show tunes. Throughout their history, they have stayed true to their purpose of representing Texas A&M to audeinces around the world, promoting choral excellence in an institution of higher learning, and offering the university community an opportunity to experience the classical masterpieces of choral literature.

The Director

The current director of the TAMU Century Singers, Jess Wade III (pictured above), is a native of Missouri and holds degrees from Southwest Baptist University, Kanses State University, and the University of Missouri-Columbia. In addition to his teaching at the college level, he taught four years at a large suburban high school in Kansas City. Mr. Wade is currently the Assistant Cooridinator of Music at Texas A&M University where he conducts the Century Singers and the TAMU Women's Chorus, and is the Artistic Directior/Conductor of the Brazos Valley Chorale. The work and dedication Mr. Wade puts into all his groups is greatly appreciated, and we proudly acknowledge that he is the heart and soul of the Century Singers.


The Century Singers hold auditions at the beginning of every semester. Because Century Singers can be taken for one hour of class credit (MUSC 290), auditions are held for only two days at the very beginning of each semester. For information about auditions, call the Vocal Music Office of Texas A&M at (409)845-5974.

Old Irish Blessing

The Old Irish Blessing is the signature song of the Century Singers. As such, it is performed at the end of almost every concert, when any former Century Singers who are in the audience are invited to come up on stage and sing it with the current choir. It is a very important part of Century Singer history, and its message is one that everyone that has been a Century Singer holds dear.

May the road rise to meet you
May the wind be always at your back
The sun shine warm upon your face
The rains fall soft upon your fields
And until we meet again
May God hold you in the palm of His hand


Here are some links to some others pages related to the Century Singers, including the personal home pages of some of the current members

The Texas A&M Singing Cadets
The Texas A&M Women's Chorus
Michael C. Shivers
Luis DelValle
Chris Harrison
John Kemp


Okay. That's my Century Singer Home Page. Please send my any comments you have to me by clicking the Mailbox. Thanks!