Welcome to the GEOCITY Home Page of

Michael C. Shivers

HOWDY! As you can probably tell, I am proud to call myself a student of Texas A&M Univerisity.


I am alos a big fan of our large and beautiful cousins, the whales. (Click here if you've got time for a rather large picture of a whale to download.) Needless to say, this site is under heavy construction (and will probably not really be paid much attention to during the semester unless I have a "lull" in my various activities ... which means not very often ...). When I have the time, I hope to include all kinds of great links and information about some of my favorite stuff, including (but certainly not limited to) Spider-Man, Start Trek, Quantum Leap, Babylon 5, and whatever the hell else I can think of. I hope that you enjoy reading this page as much as I am enjoying putting it together!

The first of my projects that I have been able to start is my own personal contribution to the vast amount of Spider-Man material on the Internet. Check out my Spider's Web by clicking on Spider-Man

To find out more about me, Michael C. Shivers, (but not what the "C" stands for), click here.

To see the Home Page I put together as part of a class project about the mixed choir here at the Texas A&M campus, the TAMU Century Singers, click on the Century Singer logo below

Any comments or suggestions are welcomed.

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