HOLY SHIT! How did YOU get here?
Well, seeing how you strangely got here somehow, I suppose I'll introduce myself. I'm a "gamer" nestled deep in the labyrinthian hell known as Atlanta, GA. I try my best to just be happy, play my video games, and shut up. haha. I'm also rather nifty with electronics and tend to fix anything that's broken around my house by popping it open and finding the problem myself. Why pay someone to do that when I can, eh? I'm a normal person and don't fit the fan-boy stereotype -- Sorry. I listen to music, watch movies, and all the other normal mumbo jumbo that "normal" people do. Oh yeah, I read books too. Again, not fitting the stereotype.
Anyway, enough about me, take a look around here and browse my collection and envy me (hah...j/k.) This site is nothing more than a record of what I've got in my possession - sorta like a help list. Enjoy! peace. -ShadowJin
Awaiting Following Titles...
This Month...
Hokuto no Ken (PS2 JPN) 03/29/2007
Karous (DC JPN) 03/08/2007
Metal Slug Anthology (PS2) 03/13/2007
Confirmed Release Dates :
King of Fighters NESTS Collection (NeoGeo Online Collection vol.6) (PS2 JPN) 04/19/2007
Announced or Unannounced (Not Confirmed Dates) :
Tekken 5: Dark Resurrection (PS3)
Titles Not Yet Purchased :
Trizeal (DC JPN)
All game release dates above are considered US releases unless noted otherwise.

Video Game Console List
Modified PS2 V4 - Messiah (The Original Messiah, Not M2)
Modified PSOne - Non-Stealth (with SONY LCD Screen)
Modified Dreamcast - All-Region
Modified Dreamcast (Number 2!) - All-Region
Modified Gamecube - Territory Toggle Switch - Riced up w/ Red LED!
Modified X-Box Version 1.0 - Xecutor2Lite
- X2 4977 Bios (Custom)
- EvoX DashBoard 1.8.3752
- 12v Rear Fan
- Red LED
Non-Modified PS2 V7
Modified PSP (D-Pad Fix)
Gameboy Advance SP : Platinum
Nintendo DS Lite
Video Games (for) TRADE List
Exhibition Disc Vol. 2.0 (XBOX)
*The Exhibition Disc Vol. 2.0 is a demo disc that includes
a practically FULL version of Capcom vs. SNK 2.
These items are up for trade or sell - email me for details.
HandWritten Works
How to Perform Heihachi’s Thunder God Fist Omen
Vampire: Darkstalkers Collection Secrets FAQ
Street Fighter Zero: Fighter's Generations Secrets FAQ
NeoGeo Online Collection FAQ
King of Fighters 2000 Review (DC-JPN)
Tekken 4 Review (PS2 JPN)
Halo 2 Review (XBOX)
Killzone Review (PS2)
HandMade Backgrounds
SNK Mars People Invasion! Windows Background
Custom Controllers
Hand-Built Playstation 1/2 Joystick using Arcade parts
- Tekken 5 Sticks for 10th Anniversary of Tekken Series
Pic 1, Pic 2, Pic 3, Pic 4.
- Early Prototype Pictures : 1 and 2.
- Finished Prototype Pictures : 1, 2, 3.
Hand-Built Dreamcast Joystick using Arcade parts
- Finished Pictures : 1, 2, 3, 4.
Games Currently in the loop : Formula Front, Metal Slug 6, Metal Gear AC!D 2, Melty Blood: Act Cadenza, NEW Super Mario Bros., and Tetris DS
04/14/04 Game Saves are now availble for certain games. The only ones I will bother to post are JPN. For other saves, visit the Codebreaker homepage.
*All saves use Codebreaker v8.0 Save format
PS2 Gamelist
Ar Tonelico
Armored Core 2
Armored Core 2: Another Age
Armored Core 3
Armored Core 3: Silent Line
Armored Core: Nexus
Armored Core: Ninebreaker
Armored Core: Formula Front (ASN)
Armored Core: Last Raven
Capcom Classics Volume 1
Capcom Classics Volume 2
Capcom Fighting Evolution (save)
Chaos Legion
Cho Aniki: Sei Naru Protein Densetsu (JPN)
Contra: Shattered Soldier
Devil May Cry
Devil May Cry (Demo)
Devil May Cry 2
Devil May Cry 3
Devil May Cry 3: Special Edition
DoDonPachi Dai-Ou-Jou (JPN)(First Run w/ DVD)
Espgaluda (JPN)(First Run w/ DVD)
Final Fantasy XI
Garou: Mark of the Wolves (NeoGeo Online Collection vol.1) (JPN)
Garou Densetsu Battle Archives 1 (NeoGeo Online Collection vol.5) (JPN)
Garou Densetsu Battle Archives 2 (NeoGeo Online Collection vol.6) (JPN)
Giga-Wing Generations (JPN)
God Hand
Gradius V
Grand Theft Auto 3
Grand Theft Auto: Vice City
Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas
Grand Theft Auto: Libery City Stories
Guilty Gear X Plus (JPN) (save)
Guilty Gear XX (ASN) (save)
Guilty Gear XX # Reload (ASN) (save)
Guilty Gear XX # Reload (KOREAN w/ Metallic ROBO-Ky case)
Guilty Gear XX Slash (JPN) (including Chronicle of Guilty Gear DVD) (save)
Guilty Gear Isuka (JPN)
GunGrave (ASN w/ Limited Edition Box & Figure) (save)
Gungrave: OverDose (ASN)
Hyper Street Fighter 2 (JPN w/ Limited Edition Box & DVD)
Homura (JPN)
Ibara (JPN)
Katamari Damacy
King of Fighters 94 Re-Bout Premium Edition (w/ controller and cell-phone straps)(JPN) (save)
King of Fighters Orochi Collection (NeoGeo Online Collection vol.3) (JPN)
King of Fighters 2000 (ASN) (save)
King of Fighters 2002 / 2003
King of Fighters 2003 (JPN) (save)
King of Fighters XI (JPN)
King of Fighters: Maximum Impact (JPN First Run w/ Artbook & DVD) (save)
King of Fighters: Maximum Impact 2 (JPN First Run w/ Artbook, DVD, Standee, and Mini-Guide)
King of Fighters NeoWave (JPN) (save)
Last Blade 1 & 2 (NeoGeo Online Collection vol.2)(JPN)
Last Bronx (Sega Ages 2500 Vol. 24) (JPN)
Melty Blood: Act Cadenza (JPN)
Metal Gear Solid 2, The Document of
Metal Gear Solid 2: Sons of Liberty
Metal Gear Solid 2: Sons of Liberty (Demo)
Metal Gear Solid 2: Substance
Metal Gear Solid 3: Snake Eater
Metal Gear Solid 3: Subsistence (Limited Edition w/ Metal Gear Saga Vol.1 disc)
Metal Slug [3D] (JPN)
Metal Slug 3 (ASN) (save)
Metal Slug 4+5
Metal Slug 6 (JPN)
Mortal Kombat: Deception
Mortal Kombat: Armageddon (Premium Edition with Metal Case, etc)
Mushihime-sama (JPN)(Limited Edition with Figure)
Namco Museum
Naruto: Ultimate Ninja
Neo Contra
Neo Geo Battle Coliseum (JPN)(w/ First Print Run Calendar)
Onimusha: Warlords
Onimusha 2: Samurai's Destiny
Onimusha 3: Demon Siege (w/ Behind the Scenes DVD)
Onimusha: Dawn of Dreams
Onimusha: Blade Warriors
Phantasy Star Universe
R-Type Final
Raiden III (JPN)
Resident Evil: Code Veronica X
Resident Evil: Outbreak
Resident Evil: Wesker's Report DVD
Rumble Fish, The (JPN) (save)
Ryuuko no Ken Ten-Chi-Jin (NeoGeo Online Collection vol.4)(JPN)
Samurai Spirits: Tenkaichi Kenkakuten (JPN) (Initial Shipment w/ Trading Figure)
Sega Classics Collection
Shadow of the Colossus
Shin Gouketsuji Ichizoku: Bonnou Kaihou (Power Instinct Matrimelee)(JPN)
Silpheed : The Lost Planet
Sims, The
SNK vs Capcom: Chaos (JPN) (save)
Soul Calibur 2 (ASN)
Soul Calibur 3
Space Channel 5 Special Edition
Street Fighter EX 3
Street Fighter: Anniversary Collection
Street Fighter Zero: Fighter's Generation (JPN)
Super Bust-A-Move 2
Super Dragonball Z
Tekken 4 (JPN)
Tekken 5
Tekken Tag Tournament
Tekken Tag Tournament (JPN)
Tetris Worlds
Twinkle Star Sprites : Le Petite Princess (JPN)(w/ First Print Run Comic)
Twisted Metal: Black
Twisted Metal: Black Online
Vampire: Darkstalkers Collection (JPN)
Virtua Fighter 4
Virtua Fighter 4 Evolution
We Love Katamari!
Zone of Enders
Zone of Enders: The 2nd Runner
Noteworthy Cheat Devices
Codebreaker 3.3
Codebreaker 8.0
Other PS2 Devices
Gameshark Sharkport (Versions 1.0 and 2.0)
Sony Network Adaptor
Sony HDD w/ Final Fantasy XI
PSP Gamelist
Armored Core: Formula Front
Every Extend Extra
Gradius Collection
Guilty Gear XX #Reload (JPN)
Killzone: Liberation
Me and My Katamari
Metal Gear AC!D
Metal Gear AC!D 2
Street Fighter Zero 3: Double Upper (JPN)
Tekken: Dark Ressurection

Dreamcast Gamelist
Capcom vs. Psikyo All-Stars (JPN)
Capcom vs. SNK (JPN)
Capcom vs. SNK Pro (JPN)
Capcom vs. SNK 2 (JPN)
Chaos Field (JPN)
Chu-Chu Rocket
Crazy Taxi
Fur Fighters
Garou: Mark of the Wolves (JPN)
Giga Wing
Giga Wing 2
Guilty Gear X Limited Edition (JPN)
Gunbird 2
House of the Dead 2 (JPN)
Ikaruga (JPN)
Jet Set Radio (JPN)
Jet Set Radio, De La (JPN)
JoJo's Venture (JPN)
Heavy Metal: Geomatrix
King of Fighters 2000 (JPN)
King of Fighters 2001 (JPN)
King of Fighters 2002 (JPN)
King of Fighters 99: Dreammatch (JPN)
King of Fighters 99: Evolution (JPN)
Last Blade 2: Final Edition (JPN)
Last Hope (Homebrew)
Mars Matrix
Marvel vs. Capcom (JPN)
Marvel vs. Capcom 2 (JPN)
Mortal Kombat Gold (Version 2)
Mr. Driller
Phantasy Star Online
Phantasy Star Online v2.0
Power Stone (JPN)
Power Stone 2
Project Justice
Radirgy (JPN)
Resident Evil : Code Veronica
Rez (PAL)
Samba de Amigo
Sega Smash Pack Vol.1
Sonic Adventure
Soul Calibur
Space Channel 5
Spawn: In the Demon's Hand (JPN)
Star Gladiator 2: Nightmare of Bilstein (JPN)
Street Fighter 3: 3rd Strike
Street Fighter 3: W-Impact (JPN)
Street Fighter Alpha 3
Super Puzzle Fighter 2 X (JPN)
Super Street Fighter 2 X (JPN)
Tech Romancer
Trigger Heart Exelica (JPN) (Limited Edition)
Typing of the Dead
Under Defeat (JPN) (Limited Edition w/ First Print Banner Sticker)
Vampire Chronicles (JPN)(Only 5,000 pressed!)
Virtua Striker 2.0
Virtua Fighter 3TB
Virtual On: Oratorio Tangram (JPN)
World Series Baseball 2K
Zero Gunner 2 (JPN)
Dreamcast Utility Discs
Gameshark (FIXED)
Utopia Boot Disc v1.1
Gamecube Games
Chaos Field
Legend of Zelda: Collector's Disc (Promo)
Luigi's Mansion
Mario Kart: Double Dash (w/ Bonus Disc)
Metal Gear Solid: The Twin Snakes
Pacman Vs.
Phantasy Star Online: Episodes 1&2
Phantasy Star Online: Episodes 1&2 Plus
Pikmin 2
Resident Evil
Resident Evil 0
Resident Evil 4
Space Raiders
Super Mario Sunshine
Super Smash Bros. Melee
Other GC Devices
ASCII Phantasy Star Online Keyboard Controller
Nintendo Broadband Adapter (JPN)
Nintendo Gameboy Player
Nintendo DS Games
Advance Wars Dual Strike
Mr. Driller: Drill Spirits
NEW Super Mario Bros.
Tetris DS
Gameboy Advance Games
Final Fight One
Ghosts'n'Goblins (GBC)
River City Ransom EX
Super Mario Advance
Super Mario Advance 2
Super Mario Advance 3
Super Mario Advance 4
Super Puzzle Fighter 2 Turbo
PS Games
Armored Core
Armored Core: Project Phantasm
Armored Core: Master of Arena
Ghost in the Shell (JPN)
Grand Theft Auto 2
Guilty Gear (JPN)
Metal Gear Solid
Metal Gear Solid: VR Missions
Mortal Kombat Trilogy (GH)
Resident Evil 2
Rival Schools (JPN)
Street Fighter Zero 3 (JPN)
Tekken (Original Tall Case)
Tekken 2 (Original)
Tekken 3 (Original)

X-Box Games
Aeon Flux
Dead or Alive Ultimate
Dead or Alive 3 (PAL)
Dead of Alive Xtreme Beach Volleyball
Doom 3
Doom 3: Ressurection of Evil
Genma Onimusha
Gun Valkyrie
Jet Set Radio Future
Mortal Kombat: Deadly Alliance
Mortal Kombat: Shaolin Monks
Namco Museum: 50th Anniversary Edition
Ninja Gaiden Black
Panzer Dragoon Orta
Predator: Concrete Jungle
Soul Calibur 2
Taito Legends
Total Overdose
X-Men Legends
X-Men Legends 2
Noteworthy Gimmicks
Cannon Spike (Review Consideration Version)(DC) Pic
Ikaruga Appreciate DVD
- This DVD has broken me and makes it so I never want to play video games again...nevermind, what the fuck am I thinking? Back to the eye and finger abuse! Pic Here
Older Games List
DVD List
IGN thinks they know everything...
ShadowJin's Transformers Collection
None at the Moment
In a side note : this was brought to my attention - yes, my abbreviation for Japanese next to the games was "JAP." Some think this may be a hateful and derogatory slang shortened version of Japanese. Well for those who find it offensive, bugger off. You see, racism is stupid, and frankly, if you want to be the police on the subject, remind yourself that the list above is a LEGIT collection of both US and Japanese games. Why the fuck would I buy Japanese games if I hated them so much? Why would my favorite game companies be Capcom and Namco? AND ALSO, WHY ON EARTH WOULD I PLAY THOSE CRAZY JAPANESE PUZZLE GAMES? Therefore, that being said, I rest my case. People, ignorance is bliss, but damn, don't read into things so much....arrrr.
Also, if you want to bitch about Mature rated video games making it to your children's hands, why not ask yourself this question : Would you give your children cigarettes? Granted cigarettes are more damaging than a video game, the principle is still the same. Also, if you're smoking a game, don't you already have problems anyway? I mean, damn man, that's plastic and shit you're inhaling. That's gotta be hell on the lungs.
09/29/03 - Speaking of lungs, just got back from AWA09 and saw Tony and Pete representing the Wedoca crew from NC. Jimmy, what are you doing??! bah...fuckin shit - The con was weak this year. Strangely, the bigger it gets, the lamer it gets. Maybe I'll just break down one year and hold my own convention...hmmmmmm. Pictures to come.
12/29/03 - As a follow up to his work on Cardfighters Clash 2, Falcoon graces us with more beautiful SNK art on The King of Fighters 2003. The game has been released on arcade JAMMA boards. Also, the MVS will be appearing soon and the AES home cart will be released on 03/13/2004. Most interesting is that the game is played in a tag fashion (like that found in SvC:MotM for NGPC.) You can visit Falcoon's site and view some amazing art here.
KoF2003 pics removed since it's 2k3 and KoFXI is out and you should be playing that!
01/02/04 - Happy New Year. I should have pics or links to footage up soon at some point of two of my friends shooting each other with bean bag rounds from a Benelli shotgun for shits and giggles. Don't try it at home kiddies. Other than that, I got a good laugh and i think the greatest quote from that night has to be "Kickass! I'm bulletproof!"
02/26/04 - Added finally the pics of the joysticks. My cats Pepito and Gabby sleep funny here. Here's Gabby again, only this time she is pissed because I beat her at Tekken Tag. And here are pics of my room before I got it straigtened up : 1, 2, 3, 4, 5. Finally, me and my woman - here.
03/19/04 - Don't know why I didn't list this earlier (i'm slack maybe?) Anyway, I am now engaged...been so for quite some time. Anyway ladies, I'm off the market...or somethin.
04/05/04 - Some new pics. Nothin too fancy but here they are : Sneaky Solid Snake here, Hand Painted Kazuya from Tekken Tag made to look like Kazuya from Tekken 4 - pic1 pic2, and the Twins vs Morpheus here (both Twins have razors!) Another picture of me and my honey : here.
05/24/04 - This little bit of news pains me and it happened sometime last week. Only a few days after sending his final revision to his Final Fantasy VII FAQ to GameFAQS, Chris "Kao Megura" MacDonald passed away. Without him, there would be tons of games that some gamers never finished. He is a legend in the video game world and will always be in my thoughts. Chris left his mark on gaming and he won't be forgotten. To view his works at GameFAQS, click here.
06/17/04 - Some more pics. Pics of my rearranged room: 1, 2, and 3. Here's some pics from my birthday party that was on 05/29/04: Megatron Cake 1, Megatron Cake 2, Megatron Cake 3, my pal Andy turns evil, and Megatron+Beer+ArmyMen = Madness. Oh no, it's Unicron! Someone warn Prime! 1, 2. Finally, life wouldn't be complete without one of my cats being weird: Gabby waking up from a nap thinking "what....."
07/16/04 - Finally added a Links Section to this page. Enjoy Incog's interesting guide...heh. Also, here's a link to a forum post I made at TFans.com explaining how to dye Energon Megatron's Sword and make a handle for it - here. Hope you enjoy it!
08/18/04 - Did some custom work for my Scorponok transformer here. That is all.
09/21/04 - Got married on September 18, 2004. Yay! That is all...end transmission.
09/29/04 - Started a new page with my transformers collection on it. See the link in the standard collection links (aka old games, movies, etc.)
01/11/05 - OMG It's the new year. whoopie. Anyway, here's a few pics of various items: Custom Spawn IV Diorama, Custom Trigun Diorama, Custom Vash the Stampede (Pre-Arm-Getting-Shot-Off), and finally, The Curse 2 w/ Subs
01/02/06 - Happy New Year and shit...I've got two arcade cabinets now! Pics to come soon!
send me email here : shadowjin_gpow@yahoo.com.
Territory Key : US = United States, ASN = Asian, JPN = Japanese, PAL = European
(Note that ASN and JPN territories are the same except for additional English/Chinese insert contained in game case)
copyright (C) S.Jin 2006, 2005, 2004, 2003, 2002, 2001.
UPDATED 02/27/07 18:51EST