Soy un pendedor

"I'm a loser"

Never do today what your going to have to repent about tomarrow


Alternative LoSeR page

anyone notice a SLIGHT change around here??

Boy, I sure did. because i am the one who changed it.
this is...well, my page.

here is a really, really good web page
One Lord, One Faith and One great Website

By the way, the whole "loser" thing would take to long to explain....some stupid inside joke--just know that i believe in Christ and that when we come to Him and obey Him we are made perfect in His name---no longer "losers"

here is my other web page. It'

go here to hear a cool band--- SUMER.

it has songs, bios....and comments (made by others who have visted the site)

Now on to what's really important:


United Pentecostal Church belief:

anyone wonder just what it is that I believe? Questions about the UPC?


A few commentaries on the Bible and what it really says.

articles I wrote.

Proving the Truth

More on Salvation

The Way Your Doing It-and the Way to Do It


Here are some articles on Evolution. I was amazed on how UN-SCIENTIFIC evolution really was. These are all written by a scientist named Arlo Moehlenpah, D.Sc. (i did not make that name up). The book they are from is called: Creation versus Evolution Scientific and Religious Considerations.
All the aritcles are written so that they are easy to understand.

You don't have to be a scientist yourself

Theories on Evolution10
Laws of Thermodynamics18
The Mathematical Improbability of Life Occurring by Chance19
Dinosaurs-"Terrible Lizards"25
Human Origins27
Radiometric Dating Methods35


I skipped around in his book and only put some of his articles here. For example, Theories on Evolution is article 10. ***Also, any BOLD words or COLORED or UNDERLINED or ITALIZED words were my doing and were not found that way in the original text.

I have my page curculating on this site....i figure it's a good way to reach people.

This Freedom From Religion site is owned by


Want to join the FFR webring? Info.


what happens when you listen to rap?

Is Barney the Anti-Christ?


concert pictures that will leave you on the edge of your seat...or at least somewhere in the vicinity.


I used to have a lot more links but...i got rid of most of there!

You are the____person to vist here!!!....congratulations or something
(we'll have a big party when we reach a jillion, okay?)

well, i hope you liked it, remember that God loves you.

if you have any questions, hints, dinner invatations,or hate mail,

you can e-mail me at:

© 1997

(if this is Kathy Ireland again...I told you quite calling me!)

Did you forget to go here? =Lemonween