Wolf's G-Fest '98 Page
Here are some pics of the goings on at G-Fest '98 in Itasca, IL.
Suit Contest

Biollante and Godzilla.

The Mothra Twins and Ultraman.
I'm not certain who won the suit contest, but Godzilla definitely
had my vote. He not only the hit of the contest, but his impassioned speech,
entourage of children as he entered, and mobbing by the wedding as he walked
past all indicated his deservingness. Besides, Biollante was just slightly
less mobile than her inspiration...
Real Movie Monster
Raki is the star of a series of no-budget monster movies, Monster Movie,
and Raki vs Nemesis. It is pronounced 'Rock-y', not 'Ray-key'. The
man in the suit, whose name eludes me, was very nice, and did a good job
on his presentation of how to do no-budget monster movies. Despite an overwhelming
lack of audience participation, he and his team managed to give many useful
tips and pointers of how to make your own movie for the cost of a large
pizza. =)
Yes, there were a lot of games being played at G-Fest. And I'll
be the first to say that I was cleaning up at SNES's Godzilla's Greatest
Battles, winning twelve straight as Mothra, Godzilla, and SMG. (I finally
lost as Atragon)

Above left,
we have one pic of the Godzilla role-playing game. This one was fascinating
to watch. Above right, we have a slightly better (i.e., larger) pic of
the same scene. Godzilla, Little Godzilla, Mecha King Ghidorah, Rodan,
MechaniKong, larval Mothra, Gigan, and one unidentified kaiju can be seen
in those pics. To the lower left, we see a slightly washed out picture
of the SNES game that I was whooping on so badly. It is Rodan getting a
blue blast from Godzilla.
The Models

Here we have a recreation of a scene in Godzilla Invades I believe,
and a kaiju version of the WWF.
The Artists
What would a convention be without a bunch of artists?

Okay, starting
with the upper left and working clockwise, we have Jean-Pierre Normand,
the creator of the Godzilla vs Titanic G-Fan cover; Bob Eggleton, Hugo
Award winning artist of the random House books and some of the Dark Horse
comics, and all around cool guy; and Chris Scalf, creator of numerous G-Fan
covers (including the soon to be a cover painting you see in the pic, which
he drew on site). The artists were one of the best features of the convention.
Final Impressions
I had a good time at G-Fest, as good as I did last year. I do feel
that the in-fighting between G/Kaiju-Con and G-Fest is hurting the genre
as a whole, and the conventions specifically. I doubt that any change will
come of my statements, as they are generally known, but not acted upon.
Yes, the conventions can survive the rift, but I doubt that they can thrive.
Unless the politics are forgotten, the conventions have an uphill struggle
to overcome.
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Created and copyright wolf@parrett.net