Welcome to My Madness

This page is temporarily serving simply as a place to post some of my numerous pictures. As much as I hate to admit it, I have had very little time to work on it and thus the simplicity of content. In the future this page should contain numerous more pictures, a few stories, more poetry, a complete bio, and maybe even a few surprises.

Here are some things I've uploaded:
From left to right: Tim Borden, the groom; Tim Horton the groomsman; and myself, the best man.
Also from the wedding, but a bit of odd smiles all around.
Apparently I was thinking something.
Another closeup.
My fav new pic. I think I look like an adult for a change.
Damn I look introspective.
Lounging around.
Woot for relaxation.
Before Tim's wedding. Tuxedo sans jacket.
My newest pic. A bit of a closeup.
Still not a great pic, but this is my 6th tattoo, a triquetra.
From now on New pics will be at the top of the list.

Right before getting my head shaved the first time.
Mid hair-cut.
A good pic showing off my Celtic cross with knotwork tattoo.
Mohawk hair! LoL Really it's a decent pic to show off my Celtic cross tattoo on the back of my neck.
A bit blurry, but that was me when the job was all done.
Bald is beautiful, my @$$!
This is my "I wanna be a pretty boy" pic.
And this is the mane that developed after a year or so.
This is the first tattoo that I got.
And this is the second, and the second most time-consuming.
And this is the crucifix on my back, by far my favorite tattoo to date. Also you can make out most of the eclipsed sun between my shoulders.
This shows the eclipsed sun a bit better.
My motorcycle, a few months before I sold her.
Slowly but surely learning to enjoy my insanity.
Red hair dye adventures. Whatcha think?
Which brings us up to the point I'm at today (or there abouts).
Another recent pic.
So, whatcha think? A bit too laid-back?
LOL No, I'm not naked in it, I promise.
Me as of August 19th.
LOL So, what do you think?
As of the first week back in classes.
People tell me my eyes are intense, what do you think?
Another moderately close-up pic.
After the haircut. What do you think?
A pic of me showing off my tongue piercing. LOL Damned Listerine stains your tongue temporarily by the way.
Can't stop playing with the hairdye!
The freshly groomed me. Sorry the hair's not gelled or anything but hey you get the idea.
So this is me as of 5/2/04. I like the short cropped hair, what about you?

And now on to something actually worth your time, poetry and songs in progress:

WARNING! This is an explicit erotica short story! It is NOT intended for minors, nor those who are offended by sexually explicit material. DO NOT click the link if you are either of those.
My attempt to add a bit of beauty to something otherwise a bit dark for some people.
A mirror reflecting the darkness others cannot see.
Light? Dark? Neither? Both? You tell me.
I'm feeling a touch cynical of late, you'll have to forgive the pessimistic feel of this poem.
A new month and a new poem. Here's hoping you get some enjoyment out of it.
I don't know how to describe, other than a bit different than the norm for me.
A bit of darkness and a touch of despair, but probably my favorite work thus far.
A new introspective poem. Don't look for happiness in this one.
A work dealing with the hypocrits that masquerade as so-called believers whom I've encountered.
A poem inspired by a loved one who gave in to the world and was broken because of it.
A song dealing with accepting the darkness within without letting it control you.
The pain of being in love and losing that love.
Dark hearts, dark minds, dark loves.
Love, madness, despair, and hope all take center stage in this work.
On a happier note, a song of love where happiness reigns for a change.
Yet another happy song. What's my world coming to? =o�
A currently untitled poem written for someone dear to me.
A celebration of the ethereal beauty of the lost art of romance.
I don't know how to describe this other than a picture of humanity struggling against the logical in favor of something greater than itself.
A religious poem. I can say no more than that.
Another poem somewhat dark in nature.
A look into a mind pondering its own state.
A rather sappy poem about love. Forgive me, as I've nothing better to say of it.
A call to return to faith in the Creator.

Thanks for visiting! Please e-mail me with questions or comments.

� 2003 damien_field@hotmail.com