Ylloelae's Place

would not have been possible
without the generous assistance of her friends.
A very big "Thank you" goes out to

Sir Quaerere,
The people behind Geocities,
and the gang at Mylanders Inn!

Thanks also to The Darque Dragon Inn
for it's great Fantasy Art file, which provided an image of Ylloelae.

The following graciously permitted me to use links to their sites,
and this has greatly enhanced Ylloelae's Place. So 'thank you' also to:
The Editor, Olde Tavern Tales
Ryan Lovett, Rolozo Tolkien
Andrew Cowan, The MUD Connector
Svenake Axelsson, MUDHEAVEN

Ylloelae's Place / Ylloelae's Story / Portal Room

©1996, 1997 by Ylloelae