The White Rose

Hi, and welcome to my page. I am The White Rose. My friends call me Diane. As you can see, my personal favorite are vampires. I write about them almost constantly. People who know me best say that vampires fascinate me. These people are correct, vampires do. I see a symbolism about vampires that most people don’t. These ideas come out in my writings. You can read some of these ideas here. Please give me you opinions.

I belong to Horror Writers Association as an affiliate member. There is a link to my page at the Horror Writers page,and a link to their page here. Other members’ Home Pages are listed there too. Check them out. You may find one there you really enjoy.

Sirenna's Castle has posted one of my stories. Here is a link.

Sirenna's Castle

Sirenna's link to my story "The Anteroom"

Links to other sites on the Web that list this page.

Horror Writers Association
Apple Hollow

A Celebration of Woman Writers
SF Authors
SF Site
The Sadgeezers Guide to Cult and Sci-Fi

And now for something completely different...

Jane Ellen's picture of me as a bride.
Mandy as Sleeping Beauty.
My vision of my Terri.
My Business Page

A sample of my work.

"Terri, I'm back," Tod called as he came in the door. He found her in the room she put the mirror in. The mirror hung on the closet door, and she stood in front of it. Tod could see the blood on her hands, and on the mirror. Nothing reflected in the mirror but the contents of the room. "Terri," he said.

She remained still, staring into the mirror.

"Terri," he said again, and moved to see her face. It showed what she was. Her black eyes. Her long teeth. Tears mixed with blood covered her face. "Terri?" he asked, "Where did the mirror come from?"

"Maybe this is a blessing," she said into the mirror.


"That we can't see our reflection. I've never seen this face. I know it’s there. I feel it, I just can’t see it."

"Well, maybe it is." Tod paused, then asked again, "Where did this mirror come from?"

"Julie sent it. It was my grandmother's."

"Why hang it?"

"It was my grandmother's."

Tod tried to pull her away. "Terri, don't do this."

Terri wouldn't move, but looked at him. Her face was still vampire. "Why? You said it didn't bother you to look. Why can't I?"

"It bothers you to look. Don't torture yourself. Come take a shower."

"What do I look like?" she asked. "I can't tell." She looked at her hands. "I can see my hands. The blood on them. I have feelings, wants, needs. Sometimes my needs kill people. They did tonight." She looked back at the mirror, "Why can't I see myself in a mirror?"

"I don't really know."

"But what do I look like?"

Tod held her face in his hands. "You're beautiful, no matter what face you show me. Now come take a shower. You'll feel better."


"Yes," Tod said. "Come let me get you cleaned up. Never mind." He lifted her in his arms and carried her to the bathroom. While he washed her body, her face returned to human. He sighed, and finished cleaning her.After he pulled her from the shower, he wrapped her in a towel. "You’ll be all right," he said as he carried her to their room. Then he dressed her in a soft nightgown. Wrapping her in a blanket, he laid with her on the bed.

She fell asleep.

He held her close. "I won't allow you to be upset by that mirror. Even if I have to break it. For now I won't. It was your grandmother's." With all the silence and quickness his vampire skills allowed, he rushed to the room that held the mirror, and carried it to the attic.He stood there staring at the empty mirror. "Damn." He turned it to the wall and returned to his Terri.

Here is a story I found on the web. The Web Mistress allows this Fantasy to be put on other pages.

My Lady "I see a tall dark stranger M'Lady,"
A graphical and animated fantasy story, suitable for adults and children alike.
( Last update 3rd March, 97)

© 1997

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