H'aaWK's Raiders

House H'aaWK Membership Information

House H'aaWK is a Klingon Role-playing organization with no membership fee. It is an independent house, not affiliated with any Klingon Club or Organization. Members may belong to different clubs. We have members who currently belong to the Klingon Imperial Diplomatic Corps, Klingon Assault Group, and the Klingon Armada International! Our House Leader (Warlord Khatal sutai-H'aaWK) is located in the Northern Illinois area.

House H'aaWK is not based on the Klingon Military Structure like other clubs. We role-play as Alternate Time-line Klingons (from the TNG episode "Yesterday's Enterprise"-see our House History page). We are privateers, mercenaries and pirates. Rank is not what we strive for here. Our purpose is to have fun, and nothing but fun! Leaders are established for coordinating activities, not for bossing our members around! Uniforms are not required but are welcome! New House members are encouraged to participate in projects or activities or to suggest their own ideas and to communicate with fellow House members via E-mail or Snail-mail.

If you think you have what it takes to be a member of House H'aaWK, fill and send the following House Application toWarlord Khatal.

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