Cendril's Links

RPG Links

Olik's AD&D Pages A very good resource for AD&D with an archive full of Net Books, adventures, links, and other helpful documents.
The Great Net Prayerbook A list of all the priestly spells written by people on the web
The Great Net Spellbook An extensive collection of wizard spells developed by gamers on the web
Gaming Acesories Here you will find all the help you need to make a good adventure, from dice rollers, to whole randomly generated villages
AD&D.com A great resource for Planescape, and has adventure ideas, as well as complete adventures.
Ed's D&D Fiction Quite a few very good stories, about the life and adventures of Korel the Necromancer.
Fantasy Directory A very good collection of Fantasy pictures
Fantasy Picture Archive Fantasy pics from the best including Elmore, Easly, Caldwell.......
Legolas RPG: AD&D Page A very, very large list of links to RPG sites on the web
The Gnome Page Don't let the name fool you. This site is full of Greyhawk stuff
Optimumv's Dragonlance page Here you will find Dragonlance resources and links
sparrow51's Home Page A site for Warcraft and Star Wars fans and players
Weaver's page A relatively new site with AD&D links, pics, and some other non-AD&D stuff like Stars, and Calvin & Hobbes
Jonas' Trollhunter AD&D Page A good Forgotten Realms page with lots of cool downloadables and links

Other Links

The Virtual Bar

Jennifer's First Homepage

POWWOW pages a good real time chat software ! I reccomend it !

If you have any other links you want me to put here then E-mail me !

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