Welcome to Draconia 5: The Final Sanctuary

Well as you all know Blazewing is from A realm called Draconia 5. So I Thought I'd take the time to give you a little bit of history about the realm.

  • DRACONIA 5 Generalities

    For the inhabitants of Draconia 5 is the final sanctuary. A Place Where Dragons can live in peace with humans and humanoids. It is possibly the only Utopia in the Galaxy.

  • Location of DRACONIA 5

    Draconia 5 is located in The Gamma Draconia System.. It is A ten planet system who's star is a white star. Draconia 5 is the Fifth Planet in the system. It has a pure and relatively thick atmosphere. This planet was and still is thought to be a gas planet by interstellar travellers. The Inhabitamts o the planet like it that way, stops several types of pollution.

  • Physical Features Draconia 5 is a planet with a great variety of Topography. The north Half of it is now known to be innhabited, by a race of were tigers, they switch between a white tiger form with colored stripes, and a humanoid form that looks like a human with a tiger's head and it is fur covered. As for the southern half, it is centered on mainly one Landmass. This landmass has Huge mountains on the east side of it. These are the Silver Mountains, and this is where Rutharth Settled down and it became the first inhabited area.
  • THE SILVER MOUNTAINS These are the Largest mountains in the known area of the planet. They Shimmer like the have been covered with Silver dust,hence the name. Riddled with caves they are though to be rich in gems and gold, however i would not recommend going into the caves as that is where dragons live. From The Mountains a water fall drops several hundred meters, into a pure and clear river. It first flows into a lake then into a stream, wich feeds the southern end of Silver Mountain Province.
    The southern part of the continent is covered with many thick forests and many glades.
  • The Forest The Forested region is very pretty. It is in strips of forest alternating with glades and medows. The Main city here is called Hamlet, it sits on the edge of the forest. This city also holds a Sunstar Tower, a small home where Blaze And his family go from time to time, Rutharth had a close friend that lived in Hamlet. In the forest it is rumored that magical elves live. This was proven about 400 years ago when a green dragon crashed in the woods. That story is in the Archives and is top secret, sorry...
    Much of the rest of the continenet is covers with open fields and many streams and Lakes. It Is a great agricultural area. Bread, and wine are the cash crops of this province.

  • History of Draconia 5

    Draconia 5 was settled but the survivors of a great war on another world. This other world's location is unknown,but the survivors according to Rutharth Sunstar, the first inhbitant "They Just Appeared in a rainbow of colored Flashes of light.". at this moment in time the best scientists are studying planes walking and exactly how for through space and time one can go. For right now that is the main theory. Some fantics claim that these first inhabitants are Faeries.

  • The Government

    The Government of Draconia 5 is headed by a king and under the king there are two councils.